The fate of Roseanne in "The Conners" continued A difficult scenario from the restart of "Roseanne & # 39;


Many things have changed since the first season of Roseanne the restart has been completed last spring. After the offensive tweet of Roseanne Barr on Valerie Jarrett, advisor to former President Barack Obama, resulted in the cancellation of the series, it's back without it – renamed as the spin -off The conners, the first of which took place on Tuesday night. And now that Roseanne's fate The conners has been revealed, it is clear that the show will continue to deal with the same difficult issues as the restart. Without Roseanne (the actor and character), however, the way this will be done will be very different.

In the first episode, the series has not wasted time answering the question of fans throughout the summer: how died Roseanne? Last season, Roseanne was struggling with opioid addiction, and that is precisely what led to her death. According to Crystal, she was found dead in bed, presumably after a heart attack, but when the result of the autopsy came back, it was revealed that it was an accident. overdose.

The drug was not prescribed to Roseanne. Instead, she had it from a neighbor named Marcy, who vowed to give the pills to Roseanne only because she thought she needed it. to get back to work.

Much of the episode explores how the family copes (or does not do it) after Roseanne's death, which makes sense, since the show begins only three weeks after that happened . Each character reacted fairly closely to his identity: Jackie intervened to help manage the house (and cleaned up and organized the parable a bit), Darlene remained the comedic relief and ensured that the bills were paid, and DJ. Geena's wife, who is part of the army, came back from work to give an extra helping hand.

What was most painful to see was Dan's reaction. He struggled with grief to the point of putting a huge note on Marcy's car threatening to give Roseanne the pills. But at the end of the episode, he became the center of the family, like Roseanne, and although his future was dark at first, he managed, along with the rest of the Conners to surrender to the heartbreaking catharsis that seemed to come. long episode.

Due to the real consequences of Barr's actions, the series was forced to tackle a difficult topic from the start: the death of the family matriarch, due to a problem that is affecting many people. But still, it still managed to be funny, and overall, The conners is much easier to digest without the steady stream of Trump references coming out of Roseanne's mouth.

The conners is without a doubt a different show without Roseanne, but he seems to have the same humor to tell. It is difficult to create spin-offs after the problematic events that have occurred. Roseanne ax in the first place, but this episode proves that it might be interesting to stay to give the Conners a second chance.

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