The father only trusts a "much smaller" group of aides from the White House after the vote of opinion


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In the midst of explosive allegations that some White House officials are actively working against Donald Trump's agenda, Donald Trump Jr told ABC News that the number of people at the White House his father can expect is less than he would like.

"I think there are people he can trust, it's just – it's a much smaller group than I would like," Trump Jr. said in a statement. interview broadcast Tuesday on "Good Morning America".

"It would be easier to get things done if you are able to fully trust everyone around you," he said. "I think it's a pity."

Donald Trump Jr. stated that he believed that the controversial New York Times editorial written by a senior unnamed government official had been drafted by a "low-level person" and that the Department of Justice had to investigate the author.

PHOTO: Donald Trump Jr. leaves Air Force One in Great Falls, Montana on July 5, 2018. (Jim Watson / AFP / Getty Images)

(PLUS: Trump pushes Woodward's book before the release date)

"It's a very low-level person who will throw his name on an op-ed and fundamentally subvert the vote of the American people who elected my father to do this job," said Trump Jr. editorial of "rather disgusting". "sad."

"Listen, I think you subvert the will of the people. I mean, try to control the presidency without the president. You have millions and millions of Americans who voted for it, "he said when asked if laws were being broken.

The president's eldest son, who now runs the Trump Organization with his brother Eric, and campaigned aggressively for Republicans before the mid-term, dismissed Bob Woodward's book, "Fear: Trump in the White House." ", Released Tuesday.

(MORE: Trouble for Trump: disapproval at a high, 63% back Mueller, half are in favor of dismissal)

"People who are well respected in this administration have come out and denied it," he said.

"If Gen. [James] Mattis had a problem with my father, he was telling him face to face, "said Trump Jr. about the secretary of defense, who, according to Woodward's book, compared Trump to a" fifth or sixth pupil ".

Mattis, and many other administration officials, have denied the words attributed to them in "Fear". Woodward said senior Trump administration officials had not told the truth by responding to the book.

PHOTO: President-elect Donald Trump stands, from left to right, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. before speaking at a press conference at Trump Tower in New York on January 11 2017. (John Angelillo / picture-alliance / dpa / AP, FILE)

Trump Jr., 40, who is embroiled in Special Adviser Robert Mueller's investigation into the alleged links between the Trump campaign and Russia, said he was not worried about his potential legal exposure.

"I'm not because I know what I've done and I'm not worried about it," said Trump Jr.

(PLUS: Donald Trump Jr., his wife separates: "We will always have a great respect for each other")

He again denied having spoken to his father about his June 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer, promising to greet Hillary Clinton, saying he had "witnessed this nausea."

"It does not mean that they will not try to do something," he said of the investigators, adding that he "would take care of this as and when".

PHOTO: President Donald Trump sings the national anthem at a "Celebration of America" ​​event on the South Lawn of the White House on June 5, 2018 in Washington, DC (Win McNamee / Getty Images).

But Trump Jr. acknowledged that the investigation had been difficult for him personally.

"It was obviously very difficult," he said about the emotional toll of the investigation. "For a while, it was very difficult.

"At the same time, I think I'm able to compartmentalize it," he added. "And in the end, I know what I did, and I do not worry at all, because you know, I did not do anything that anybody else did." Another would not do in that position, in my opinion. "

(PLUS: goofy! Donald Trump Jr. and special advocate Bob Mueller spotted together at the airport)

Trump Jr. also predicted that "there will never be a decisive end" to the investigation, predicting that Democrats would use the "investigation" as a permanent asterisk on the record of my father "and would use it to" swing the midterms – they will try to use it to influence 2020. "

Trump Jr. acknowledged that Republicans will struggle to maintain congressional control at the halfway point with a Republican in the White House, saying Democrats would take the House if the election follows a precedent.

PHOTO: Donald Trump, Jr. appears before the Supreme Civil Court on July 26, 2018 in New York. (Alec Tabak / Getty Images)

"I think historically that would be what happens," said Trump Jr. "You know, people become complacent. Our camp receives all the things it needs because my father keeps all his promises. But that's what they said, and that's what's historical.

"So, our people, MAGA people, they have to surrender. They have to go out and vote. And I think we can break the story, "he said.

He added that he was in agreement with his father, "without a doubt", when he said that if there is an indictment, it will be the fault of Republican voters who do not show up at the polls in November.

(PLUS: Trump Jr. is ripped for "loving" the conspiracy theories about the Parkland survivors)

While he became popular on the campaign trail, Trump Jr. said he had not thought about introducing himself.

"I think the most important thing right now is to make sure that you are fighting for the House, that you are fighting for the Senate, that you are sure that Donald Trump and the successful policies that are going on." He adopted, that the policies that make America win now, they are on the ticket in 2018. "

Trump Jr. also criticized former President Barack Obama, who recently expressed his frustration that Trump boasts of a strong economy, including 95 consecutive months of job creation.

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