The FBI contacts Deborah Ramirez, the accuser of Kavanaugh, as part of an investigation | American News


The FBI contacted Deborah Ramirez, a woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct while he was a student at Yale, as part of his new investigation into the Supreme Court's candidate.

Ramirez alleges that Kavanaugh exposed her genitals at a party in the early 1980s, when they were both students in New Haven, Connecticut. His lawyer, John Clune, said Saturday that the agents wanted to interview him and that she had agreed to cooperate.

Donald Trump ordered the FBI to reopen his investigation after three women accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct and the first woman, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Kavanaugh denies all allegations.

NBC News reported on Saturday that the White House had placed constraints on the investigation, including that the third woman to accuse Kavanaugh, Julie Swetnick, would not be questioned. Citing "an informed US official about it," NBC said the White House controlling such a process for a presidential candidate was not unusual.

On Thursday, Kavanaugh and Ford testified during an electrical session at Capitol Hill in Washington.

Ford, who says that Kavanaugh and a friend attacked him at a party in Maryland in 1982, first testified.

Kavanaugh prefaced his testimony with harsh criticism of the Democrats for what he called a political attack.

On Friday, after protesters clashed with committee member Jeff Flake in an elevator in the Senate office building, the Arizona Republican demanded the resumption of the FBI investigation. Flake nevertheless voted in favor of the Senate appointment.

Senate leaders agreed to postpone the final vote to allow a one week investigation. The Judicial Committee said the FBI's investigation should be limited to "credible allegations against Kavanaugh" and end on Friday, October 5th.

Swetnick is presented Wednesday. She said that she was in parties in the 1980s when Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge – whom Ford claims to be there when she was assaulted – were present when women were raped as a group.

In a statement, she wrote: "Around about 1982, I was the victim of one of those rapes committed by" gangs "or" trained ", where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present. .

The judge firmly denied Swetnick's allegations. He said that he had no memory of the party described by Ford. He was not called to testify before the Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee.

Having disappeared from the public eye, the judge was found by the Washington Post in a Delaware beach house. His lawyer said Friday that he would be willing to talk to the FBI "or any law enforcement agency".

Swetnick is represented by Michael Avenatti, the lawyer of Stormy Daniels, the movie star and adult filmmaker who says he has had a sexual relationship with Trump. The president denies this case because he makes allegations of sexual misconduct of more than a dozen women.

Asset tweeted an attack on Avenatti this week, calling him "totally outmoded" and "a third-class lawyer capable of making false accusations, as he did for me and as he does for Judge Brett Kavanaugh".

On Saturday, Avenatti told the Post that he "did not know how this investigation could be described as complete" if the FBI had not contacted his client.

Trump, meanwhile, say again a familiar attack on a Democratic member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Richard Blumenthal, about what the president called his "fraudulent service in Vietnam".

Like Trump, Blumenthal has received service postponements as a student. Unlike Trump, he later served in the US Marine Corps without leaving the United States. Before being elected in 2010, Blumenthal said on the occasion that he was "in Vietnam".

Kavanaugh's confirmation would push the Supreme Court to the right, potentially challenging decisions on issues such as the right to abortion.

Republicans hold the Senate 51-49 and would need a simple majority to confirm Kavanaugh. Two moderate Republican women – Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska – will be the main ones to vote if the candidacy gets the floor.

Democrats facing mid-term contests in Republican-dominated countries will also face pressure. On Saturday, Joe Manchin of West Virginia was scheduled to meet his host a rally of the Trump campaign.

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