The FCC is asking the phone companies to find a way to stop the Robocalls whores by next year or otherwise.


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The US Federal Communications Commission is calling on leading providers of telephony and mobile services to create a system to combat the scourge of illegal automated calls that destroy the majority of US offenders.

FCC President Ajit Pai on Monday wrote to the telecom leaders a letter asking them to respond by November 19 on how they will start fighting this problem next year, according to Reuters. The letter refers to Pai's request in May that these companies create a "call authentication system", and calls some companies to take no action to create such a system.

Pai sent the letter to Alphabet, AT & T, Charter Communications, T-Mobile, Verizon and eight other companies.

YouMail, a company that analyzes automated calls and provides a blocking service, estimates that billions of phone calls are being launched on phones each month, or $ 5.1 billion last month.

"Call authentication must become a reality. This is the best way to ensure that consumers can confidently answer their phone, "reads Pai's letter. "At this time, next year, I hope that consumers will start to see this on their phones."

Last month, a bipartisan coalition of 35 Attorneys General sent a letter to the FCC asking the commission to pressure telephone service providers to develop tools to stop illegal automated calls, and especially neighborhood spoofing calls.

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