The fetus can be damaged if air pollutants reach the placenta


Monday, September 17, 2018 – Scientists warn that soot from polluted air reaches the placenta of pregnant women, which could harm the health of unborn babies.

Small carbon particles released by the burning of fossil fuels enter a woman's blood when she breathes a polluted air, said a research team at Queen Mary University in London, on Monday. UK.

"Our results provide the first evidence that inhaled pollution particles can move from the lungs into the circulation and into the placenta," said Dr. Norrice Liu, pediatrician.

"We do not know if the particles we found could also enter the fetus, but our evidence suggests that this is indeed possible," Liu said.

"We also know that particles do not need to enter the baby's body to have an adverse effect, because if they have an effect on the placenta, this will have a direct impact on the fetus", Liu added. the European respiratory society.

The study looked at five pregnant London women who had to undergo cesarean deliveries. None smoked and all had uncomplicated pregnancies, which resulted in a healthy baby. After the birth of their baby, the researchers examined the placenta.

The team researched specific immune cells called placental macrophages, which engulf harmful particles such as bacteria and pollution particles.

Overall, the researchers analyzed 3,500 macrophage cells under a powerful microscope. They found 60 cells that contained a total of 72 small black areas, considered as carbon particles. On average, each placenta contained about five square micrometers of this substance.

Using an electron microscope, the researchers examined more closely the macrophages of two placentas. They found the same suspected carbon particles in the air.

"We did not know if we were going to find particles and if we found them, we were only expecting to find a small number of placental macrophages that contained these soot particles," Liu said. "It's because most of them should be swallowed up by macrophages in the airways."

These findings underscore previous studies that linked air pollution to premature birth, low birth weight, infant mortality, and lung problems in children.

According to Mina Gaga, President of the European Respiratory Society, "Previous research shows that pregnant women living in polluted cities are more prone to pregnancy problems such as reduced fetal growth, premature birth, and low birth weight. birth." Gaga did not participate in the new study.

"This new research suggests a possible mechanism of how babies are affected by pollution while being theoretically protected in the uterus," she added. "We need stricter policies for cleaner air to reduce the impact of pollution on health worldwide."

The results of the study were presented Sunday at the International Congress of the European Respiratory Society in Paris.

More information

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in the United States is more concerned with air pollution.

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