The fifth child with type 1 diabetes dies after a drop in blood sugar during the slumber party


NEW CASTLE, Pa. (WPXI) Friends and family mourn the loss of a 10-year-old Pennsylvania girl who died after suffering an extreme drop in blood sugar during a slumber party last weekend.

Credit: WPXI

Sophia Daugherty, a fifth year with type 1 diabetes, was found unresponsive on Sunday morning at her best friends in New Castle, according to WPIX.

Sophia suffered a bout of hypoglycemia that resulted in swelling of the brain. She was transported to the UPMC Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh where she died later.

The Laurel School District says administrators, staff and children are devastated by the loss.

"She was a popular little girl, the most used adjective was" sweet "- the sweet Sophia – she's going to be missed," said Superintendent Len Rich.

With only 80 children in her class, Sophia was well known. She was a cheerleader, a softball player and planned to join the choir at her elementary school this year, she said. obituary.

Sophia did not let her diagnosis prevent her from enjoying life. She played softball and basketball and was an active cheerleader. If she was not playing sports, you could find Sophia by bike and scooter or learn more about sharks.

Mourning counselors will be going to school in the coming days to help students deal with the loss.

Sophia's family has set up a GOFUNDME to help with hospitalization and funeral expenses.

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