The fight against the Ebola virus resumes after the attack of a shell in Beni, Congo: the WHO


The World Health Organization announced Sunday that she had resumed her efforts to combat the Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo after another scary attack hit Beni, a city in the heart of l & # 39; outbreak.

Sixteen WHO staff members were evacuated to the city of Goma for psychological care after a shell hit their home, but did not explode on Friday.

Stakeholders in Beni had to cut back or suspend their efforts, including vaccinations, on Saturday, but resumed Sunday.

The attacks have highlighted the danger that foreign aid groups face in the fight against this persistent epidemic, which has killed more than 200 people in North Kivu province, near Uganda.

The previous attacks have undermined efforts in Beni and seven peacekeepers and a dozen Congolese soldiers were killed last week in an operation against the Democratic Allied Forces – a key rebel group – to outside the city.

The WHO said that he refused to be dissuaded.

"WHO will continue to work alongside the ministry and our partners to put an end to this Ebola outbreak," said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. "We honor the memory of those who have died in battle, and we deplore the threats to the security of those who are still trying to put an end to it."

Ebola is a serious, often fatal disease that is transmitted to wildlife and is transmitted from person to person by the body fluids of people with symptoms.

The people who responded to the survey reported nearly 360 confirmed or suspected cases in the current outbreak, making it the worst that the DRC has experienced.

This is the third worst in world history, followed by the massive West African epidemic that killed more than 11,000 people at the beginning of the decade and an epidemic that hit Uganda. almost 20 years ago, resulting in more than 400 cases.

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