The final launch of SpaceX Block 4 rocket was superb


Enlarge / The launch of SpaceX's CRS-15 mission at sunrise was spectacular.

On Friday, SpaceX launched its final version of Block 4 of the Falcon 9 rocket, dawn hours along the coast of Florida. Sunrise and sunset are always a playground for photographers and especially for the talented Trevor Mahlmann, who regularly pulls flights to Ars.

The launch marks the twelfth successful flight for SpaceX this year: 11 Falcon 9 flights and a Falcon Heavy mission. Meanwhile, the Block 5 version of the Falcon 9 rocket has been optimized for reuse. His only flight up here was in May of this year and was a success. From now on, SpaceX intends to steal only those advanced boosters.

The Dragon spacecraft that was launched Friday is due to dock Monday with the International Space Station, carrying 2.7 tons of cargo. From here, we will content ourselves with the launch images below.

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