"The first man" is not a match for "Venom" and "A star is born"


Even Neil Armstrong of Ryan Gosling could not reach the heights of Tom Hardy and Lady Gaga.

Universal's film "First Man", director Damien Chazelle's first feature film since "La La Land", brought home $ 16.5 million to the country during its opening weekend. The critics mainly liked this film, which staged a set of well-known actors and positioned itself as an Oscar nominee, but the masses were less impressed. "First Man" had a modest audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, and ticket buyers gave it a B-plus rating in the polls at the release of CinemaScore. The film follows Armstrong in the years leading up to the moon landing in 1969, with Claire Foy as Armstrong's first wife, Janet Shearon, and Corey Stoll as Buzz Aldrin.

Universal Pictures had hoped that "First Man", whose manufacturing costs about $ 60 million and tens of millions more on the market, would mirror the performance of "Argo", winner of the 2013 Oscar for Best picture. 'Argo' arrived at $ 19.5 million in ticket sales for the opening weekend ($ 21.4 million after adjustment for inflation), won a CinemaScore A-plus and generated an adjusted global figure of $ 254 million.

"First Man" was not close to Sony's "Venom", which finished first at the box office with a gross weekend estimated at $ 35.7 million, bringing its estimated national total to 142.8 millions of dollars. "Venom" has also reported a significant sum overseas, bringing in $ 69.7 million in international markets this weekend, according to the studio, which says the film's global total is rising $ 378.1 million. Tom Hardy's stance on the fury-laden anti-hero Marvel surpassed the expectations of box-office analysts when it opened last weekend.

[[[[Lily our review "First Man": Jumping giant for the human, small step for the movies]

"A star is born", with Lady Gaga as budding singer and Bradley Cooper as a mentor and lover (and director of the film), followed a similar path, exceeding expectations the first week and staying strong the following week . The Warner Bros. movie has generated about $ 28 million in the country, according to comScore, which compiles data at the box office, reaching an estimated total of $ 94.2 million in North America.

Sony's semi-scary family movie, "Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween," which opened this weekend, brought in about $ 16.2 million in the country, slightly less than "First Man". his predecessor. The first "Goosebumps" arrived at $ 23.6 million in 2015. Meanwhile, "Haunted Halloween" reflects the aggressive way in which Sony controls costs: The following cost about $ 35 million, against $ 58 million for the First payment.

Another film that just opened, "Bad Times at El Royale", was a flop for 20th Century Fox. The neo-black thriller of writer and director Drew Goddard costs about $ 30 million, not counting marketing. He brought in about $ 7.2 million in the national market during his opening weekend, which earned him seventh overall, which is uncomfortable for his casting. stars, consisting of Jeff Bridges, Cynthia Erivo, Dakota Johnson and Jon Hamm.

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