The Flash: Classic Costume and Actor at the Crossover Crossover Poster of Elseworlds


For Flash fans of a certain generation, John Wesley Shipp will always be Barry Allen. While the original The flash The television series were only broadcast on CBS during a season from 1990 to 1991, which still represented a dramatic break from what the science fiction adventure and television of the time were. Believe it or not, there was once a week when there were not more superheroes each week than you could imagine.

The 22 episodes of The flash were very "of their time" in that they took many bearings from Tim Burton's senseless success. Batman 1989 movie, a film that, for better or for worse (mostly worse, without any fault on his part) became the model of all live action adaptations of superheroes during more than ten years after its release. The Flash had an awesome retro set from Central City (while the show was in modern day times, there were touches of the 1950s throughout its look), a memorable theme of Danny Elfman (and a score Shirley Walker's dark), as well as a colorful, but large and voluminous Flash Suit worn by John Wesley Shipp.

Shipp was a brilliant Barry Allen. Although more assured than the role played by Grant Gustin in the early seasons, he brought a sense of authority and wit to the role and, unlike some of the Batman actors of the '90s, he never seemed to have the feeling that the role was under him. Since then, Shipp has returned to the Flash family, first under the name of Henry Allen, then (perfectly) under the name of Flash, Jay Garrick.

Further Reading – The Flash: Who is Jay Garrick?

Jay Garrick exists on Earth-3 in the Arrowverse version of DC Multiverse and with the next Other worlds crossover in December bringing more elements of DC Crisis on infinite landsI expected Shipp to appear in this role. What I did not expect, is that it looks like the original Barry Allen TV and wears a version of his classic suit, no less!

Stephen Amell, who made all the big Other worlds reveals on his social media accounts, was the first to reveal Shipp's participation …

And no, your eyes do not deceive you, it's Amell in the current Flash suit with Grant Gustin as Green Arrow.

Arrowverse producer Marc Guggenheim gave fans an even better look at Shipp in the classic Flash suit …

Five years ago, before the release of the current Flash series, I spoke to John Wesley Shipp and asked him (among other things) about whether he thought he or Grant Gustin possessed the Flash combination, more uncomfortable.

"I do not know how it could be more uncomfortable than mine!" Shipp replied with a laugh. "I understand that they have a different type of glue, so they are no longer forced to remove it with acetone."

"We could not clean our costumes," he said. "It cost $ 100,000 to build four suits in 1990. They would hang them in the caravan and spray them with Lysol!" It would collapse .I did not have an air conditioner for the pilot episode, that we shot in May and June in Los Angeles, I would have stayed 10 minutes, I would take off the glove and it would be literally filled with sweat.They brought a cooling unit under the garment at the time of the output of the series, operational. "

Hopefully they've found a way to make it more comfortable nowadays, but this photo makes it look like an authentic replica of the 1990 costume.

If you have never seen the original The flash A television series, it is currently available to watch on the DC Universe streaming service.

Elseworlds starts a special episode of The flash December 9, and will continue on Arrow and Super Girl the following nights. We have everything you need to know about the televised event of the year about superheroes right here.

Mike Cecchini is the editor-in-chief of Den of Geek. You can read more of his work here. Follow him on Twitter @wayoutstuff.

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