The flu season is approaching and doctors say it's time to protect themselves


In September, it's time to think about the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones against the flu.

A stuffy nose, a bad cough and even a fever … year after year, health officials warn that the flu is nothing. This year, they hope you will receive the message sooner.

"The flu season starts in October, and it's going to happen very quickly," said Dr. Daliah Wachs. "The flu season lasts approximately from October to May, and we expect a very deadly influenza season again."

The latest influenza report from the Southern Nevada Health District indicates that the 2017-2018 influenza season has killed 60 people in Clark County alone.

"We do not know if it's because of the most diverse strains," Dr. Wachs said. "Maybe it's because of a concomitant in pneumonia"

If you catch the flu – it's no secret that you want to do what you can to improve – quickly. Studies show that an experimental drug called Baloxavir can help to do this by removing the body virus in one day.

"Because of its antiviral potency, this drug is particularly promising for treating people at higher risk of influenza complications," said Dr. Frederick Hayden, of the University of Virginia's Faculty of Medicine.

The FDA could approve the drug by the end of this year. Meanwhile, influenza vaccines are already deployed. Doctors recommend that you start there and quickly.

"For people who do it somehow," Oh, I'll wait and see, "as we saw in the Carolinas, just because it was sunny, it does not mean that the storm was not coming, "said Dr. Wachs. "We are expecting a flu storm, so do not wait."

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