The flu season is approaching. Is your family prepared?


It's time to call your pediatrician. All children should be vaccinated against the flu as soon as it's available this season, preferably by the end of October, recommends the American Academy of Pediatrics in a statement released Monday. He also points out that shooting is preferred to nasal fog.

"Anyone over six months old should get their flu shot before Halloween," said Atlanta pediatrician Jennifer Shu, who is a member of the Academy but did not participate in the new recommendations. "Do not do any nonsense or treatment unless you have received your flu shot."

Many pediatricians will offer their patients the standard influenza vaccine and FluMist nasal spray. The flu vaccine contains dead virus strains, while the nasal spray contains weakened viruses.

The influenza vaccine is the Academy's first choice for children 6 months and older because it has provided the most consistent protection against all strains of the virus in recent years. FluMist can also be used for the 2018-19 season.

The pediatric group reported that the nasal spray was not recommended for the previous two seasons because it was less potent against some influenza strains.

Shu explained that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's recommendation differs from that of the academy; the CDC says either the flu vaccine or FluMist is fine. Parents who are not sure what is best for their children should talk to their doctors, she added.

What a flu shot can do for your child

During the last influenza season, 179 children died, while thousands more were hospitalized for influenza-related illness. According to the CDC, 80% of the deceased children had not been vaccinated against the flu.

According to the expert committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the flu vaccine reduces the risk of developing serious symptoms and complications, including pneumonia and death.

The 2017-2018 influenza season is ranked among the most severe ever recorded, excluding pandemics.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, recalled that Australia had a "terrible season last year and in fact we had a very bad season in the year last. "

"Even though the flu seasons are unpredictable, not always, but often, we can get an idea of ​​what we are going to face in Australia and in the southern hemisphere during the winter, which is essentially our summer "said Fauci. . As for Australia today, the flu season is "generally lighter than usual".

"This does not mean that we will absolutely parallel Australia. But there is more chance that we will see something similar to Australia. Yet, he warned, "their season is not yet over."

"One of the most important aspects of the flu we all learned from experience is that it's usually unpredictable," said Fauci. "It's the nature of the flu."

Because of this random nature, Fauci recommends that most people get vaccinated against the virus.

"Especially those who fall into the high risk categories: the elderly, young children, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases," he said. The CDC website says who belongs to the high-risk group, he added.

Age, allergies and antivirals

According to the pediatric group, children aged 6 months to 8 years need two doses for the first time, but children 9 years and older need only one dose, no matter their medical history.

Since the influenza vaccine is made from chicken eggs, "previously, egg allergy was a concern, but it's no longer a problem," Shu said. vaccine.

That said, parents who have concerns about allergies or possible reactions to the vaccine should speak with their doctor, she said.

Although antiviral drugs are important in the treatment of influenza, they do not replace vaccination, the pediatric group also said.

Fauci said there was "a lot of effort and interest now to do better" with both the seasonal flu vaccine and the universal flu vaccine.

A universal flu vaccine "will not come overnight. It will not happen in a few years. It will probably be an iterative process where we will do better each season by getting broader coverage and more powerful coverage of the flu. "

"The flu is really a unique virus," said Fauci. "So different from diseases like measles and polio that remain essentially stable, and you just have to vaccinate once or get infected and basically you are good for life. This is not the case with the flu. It's very complicated with the flu.

While scientists work in their labs to try to develop a single vaccine, Shu recommends using the usual precautions against the disease.

"Get your vaccine. Wash your hands well. Do not go to school or work while he is sick. Cover your cough or sneeze, "she said. "Try not to touch your face. Every time you touch your face, you have a chance to introduce germs.

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