The flu season is upon us


Last Friday, October 26, in Minnesota, 15 hospitalized cases of influenza were reported. The central-western region of the state had two.

"The idea that a person can end up at the hospital shows how much it is possible to be infected with the flu," said Doreen Hanson, a specialist in prevention and control. disease control at Horizon Public Health, which serves Douglas and the surrounding counties. Hanson added that every year, people die of the flu.

The flu season usually occurs in the fall and winter, with the peak occurring between late November and March.

The flu season last year was one of the worst ever. As of October 6, 183 pediatric deaths nationwide had been reported to the CDC during the 2017-2018 season. This number was higher than the previously highest number (171 in 2012-13) of influenza-associated deaths in children during a normal influenza season. In Minnesota, five pediatric influenza-related deaths have been recorded.

The CDC reported that 80% of deaths occurred in children who had not yet been vaccinated against influenza.

According to the Minnesota Department of Health, 6,446 people were hospitalized in Minnesota during the 2017-2018 influenza season. In Douglas County, 39 cases were hospitalized in Douglas County. Hanson said that there are no cases in the winter of 2018 (January, February and March).

Prevention is key

According to the CDC, the best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated every year.

It takes about two weeks after the vaccination for protective antibodies against the flu to develop in the body. The CDC recommends getting vaccinated early in the fall, before the start of the influenza season. It is strongly recommended to get a flu shot before the end of October.

Several types of flu shots are available, said Hanson. The type of vaccine that people can get depends on factors such as age, health problems, pregnancy and allergies. Health care providers will know what kind of vaccine their patients should receive, she said.

"The most important thing is to get vaccinated, do not wait until a specific type of flu shot is available," she said.

According to Hanson, people with allergies to eggs can be safely vaccinated, and allergic reactions to life-threatening flu shots are very rare. She advised people to talk to their health care provider if they had ever had a life-threatening reaction to a flu shot.

Being vaccinated against influenza later in the season can still be beneficial and vaccinations should continue to be offered throughout the influenza season, even in January and later.

There are many influenza viruses and they are constantly evolving. Influenza vaccines protect against the three or four viruses that, according to the research, will be the most common. The composition of influenza vaccines in the United States is reviewed annually and updated to reflect influenza viruses in circulation.

Hanson gave some advice to the public to protect themselves against the flu:

• Get vaccinated.

• Avoid rubbing shoulders with sick people.

• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or cough or sneeze into your sleeve.

• Wash your hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-free hand sanitizer.

• Protect babies by not exposing them to a large crowd or sick family members when influenza occurs in your community.

• Do not share cups and straws.

• Clean frequently-touched surfaces frequently, including door handles, refrigerator handles, telephones, and faucets.

Bitten by the flu virus?

If people suspected they had been affected by the flu, Hanson told them to stay home, avoid contact with others, rest and drink plenty of fluids. For people belonging to a high-risk group, such as people aged 65 and over or people with asthma, Hanson suggested calling their health care provider.

If people contract the flu and have difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, sudden dizziness, confusion, severe or persistent vomiting or flu-like symptoms that If they improve but then come back with an aggravated fever or cough, Hanson strongly advised going to the doctor or emergency room.

Antiviral drugs may offer some protection if a person has been exposed to the flu.

"Contact your health care provider immediately if you get the flu and are at high risk for flu-related complications," she said.

Cold against the flu

Influenza can be confused with colds. Hanson explained that the flu is a respiratory disease caused by a virus that attacks the nose, throat and lungs. The disease is usually mild or moderate, not requiring hospitalization.

However, she added, the flu can sometimes be serious and even lead to death. And she noted that the flu was not the same as the "stomach flu".

Flu symptoms, commonly known as flu, include fever, dry cough, sore throat, headache, extreme tiredness, fever and body aches. These symptoms usually start suddenly and can be severe enough to stop people from doing their daily activities.

Colds, she says, are usually less serious than flu. With a cold, people are more likely to have runny or stuffy noses. People with colds can usually follow their normal activities. And unlike colds, flu can lead to serious health problems such as pneumonia, bacterial infections and hospitalization.

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