The flu vaccine can not infect you and other facts about the flu


A recent survey revealed that a large number of parents think that the flu vaccine can lead to flu infection.

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The dangerous flu season of last year has killed nearly 80,000 people. Getty Images

We are now in mid-October and the doctors insist that you should get the flu shot if you have not already done so.

With 900,000 people hospitalized in the United States in the last influenza season, getting vaccinated is critical, said pediatrician Dr. James Cherry.

Cherry, a professor of pediatrics and infectious diseases at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine and Mattel Children's Hospital, said last year's flu season was particularly deadly.

"Last year in the United States, about 80,000 people died of the flu. This figure is really staggering, "said Cherry.

He added that any unvaccinated person should be vaccinated against the flu as soon as possible.

"There are already reported cases of influenza, but we're not at the peak of the flu yet," Cherry said. "We are not near the top and it will not usually be until a month. If you have not been vaccinated and have not had the flu yet, you should get vaccinated. "

Despite the danger, many myths surrounding the flu vaccine may encourage people to avoid vaccination.

This month, a poll found that a majority of parents think the flu vaccine can even lead to the flu, which is wrong, or that the flu vaccine is not working.

If you're not sure what a flu myth is, we've summarized the important facts below.

Fact # 1 on the flu: The flu season starts just before Halloween and ends with the arrival of spring

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention anticipate that the flu season will run from October to May and recommends receiving a new dose of influenza vaccine each year.

The reason is that there are countless strains of influenza constantly evolving.

Fact # 2 on the flu: Vaccines can fight several influenza strains

Each year, a new vaccine must be developed to protect against the three or four different viruses that will appear in a given year.

Last season, criticism was directed against the vaccine, which would not be powerful enough to fight against H3N2, the dominant viral strain of the flu last year and that causes a more serious disease than others.

Cherry insisted that opponents of vaccination miss the point when they criticize the flu shot.

Fact # 3 on the flu: A 50% effective vaccine can protect many people

No vaccine is perfect, and Cherry said that even if you are 50% protected, you are protecting yourself against a more serious illness.

"Even if the flu vaccine fails, the disease is less serious, you will continue to protect yourself partially," he added.

Fact # 4: Some age groups need different vaccine doses

Dr. Alan Taege, an infectious disease specialist at Cleveland Clinic, told Healthline that children between the ages of 6 months to 8 years may need two doses of influenza vaccine each season. Beyond that, everyone would only need the regular single dose.

Taege added that older adults – around age 65 or older – and people with compromised immune systems might need a higher dose vaccine. As always, he said that you should consult your doctor if you have questions about the dosage that's right for you.

You should also know that the vaccine is not immediately effective. It takes about two weeks for your body to develop the anti-antibody protection needed to fight the virus.

Taege said that he hears every year misconceptions about the vaccine.

But these myths can be harmful if they lead people to avoid the vaccine unnecessarily.

Myth # 1: Influenza Vaccine Helps Influenza

"The flu vaccine does not contain a live virus, so you can not catch the flu. This is a common misconception, "said Taege.

However, people may experience fever or pain in the days following the shot.

"It does not mean you have the flu now. This means that a person's body reacts to the vaccine, "said Taege. "Your body says" oh, there's something here "and then it's going to build a" strong fort. "In general, the reaction to fire is smooth and most people can only get out of it. with nothing more than Tylenol, or something like that. "

The nasal spray of flu however is a live virus vaccine, but it is weakened and therefore can not be infected.

Myth # 2: It's not necessary to get a flu shot every year

"The different types of influenza mutate each year. So you have to get the new vaccine every year to reflect these variations, "he added.

Myth # 3: You can be so healthy that you do not need the vaccine

Taege said it's a myth that normally healthy people do not need to bother to get vaccinated.

"You may think that you are too healthy to get the flu as much as you want, but it changes when you end up catching the flu by not getting vaccinated," he said. "Even young people can get severe flu."

Taege said it was true that a younger and healthier person was not as risky as older people or young children, but that even a perfectly healthy person could get sick.

"The more people who get vaccinated, the more likely we are to avoid an epidemic," said Taege. "This is called" collective immunity ": the more you are vaccinated, the less likely it is that the flu will spread."

Cherry explained that getting vaccinated is a socially responsible approach.

"This year marks the 100th anniversary of the 1918 flu, the deadliest of all time. It is really disturbing to see that there were 80,000 deaths last year. Many of these deaths are due to secondary bacterial infections that can occur once you catch the flu, "said Cherry. "To get vaccinated."

Taege added that in addition to being vaccinated, people should be alert to the cough etiquette: cover your mouth when you cough and avoid putting your hands on your face, flu. He added that it is also crucial to wash your hands frequently.

"Some people say" oh, the flu is just a bad cold, "said Taege. "Well, you can call it a bad cold whatever you want, but it's more than that. Most people will not die of colds unless their immunity is compromised. "

Taege pointed out that the flu can be much more dangerous than a simple cold.

"The flu can kill anyone, young, old or in between," he said. "The flu occurs much more quickly and with more force than colds. Yes, some people and some particularly vulnerable people are dying of the flu. "

Experts say the time has come to get the flu shot. Despite misconceptions, the influenza vaccine can not give you the flu, you can not be too healthy to not need it and you need to be vaccinated every year.

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