The formation and a well-built Soyuz capsule have saved the lives of astronauts


Launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the Soyuz rocket carrying the MS-10 capsule reached an altitude of 50 km (31 miles) when a problem caused the mission's abortion.

According to initial findings, one of the rocket's early thrusters failed to separate properly and had an impact on the second, forcing both men to embark on what NASA described as a "Ballistic descent"

As soon as the order was given to separate the capsule from the recall, the violent movements of the capsule shook both men, as shown in a video in the video published shortly after the incident.

In various interviews, Hague said that calm was essential to properly perform the procedures required to bring them safely back to Earth. This and the training.

"I spent most of the last two years in Star City, Russia, in a descent module where they entrusted us with every conceivable chess," The Hague said according to

"We had actually had some scenarios where we had a recall failure and our response to that."

Both men were forced to follow their procedure while bearing loads of about 6.7 g. While speaking in Russian, The Hague was responsible for maintaining the vehicle's orientation and coordinating with the rescue teams.

"Every time you get into space and your booster has a problem when you reach 1,800 meters per second, things are pretty dynamic and they happen very quickly," Hague said according to Associated Press.

The two men landed after a 30-minute descent somewhere in the Kazakh steppe, both unscathed and recovered by rescue teams.

"We're sort of hanging upside down from our straps, he's reaching out, I'm shaking his hand, and we're starting to make jokes between ourselves about the shortness of our flight," added the American, describing the first minutes after the touchdown.

Aleksey Ovchinin, more experienced, said about rookie Hague in an interview with the Russian agency TASS that he "acted as a true expert and was completely cool. "

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