The former Meghan Markle has her mother at her side when launching a new cookbook project


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Thursday marked a great day for Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, who organized an event for her first charity project.

The 37-year-old celebrated the launch of "Together: Our Community Cookbook" at Kensington Palace, while taking the time to celebrate the women who inspired her.

And a woman who inspired her well before she became royal was by her side: her mother, Doria Ragland.

Meghan Markle at the Community Kitchen event
Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, her mother and Prince Harry at the event at Kensington Palace. Getty Images

The former Meghan Markle arrived at the event, held in a tent on the palace grounds, flanked by her mother and husband, Prince Harry.

She was quickly joined by the women whose recipes fill the pages of the new recipe book and whose kitchens and families will benefit.

Meghan Markle at the Community Kitchen event
The book is a collection of recipes written by women who lost their homes and loved ones during the fire of the Grenfell Tower in London in 2017. AP

"Together: Our Community Cookbook" is a collection of more than 50 recipes written by women who lost their homes in the fire at the Grenfell Tower in London in June 2017. Seventy-two people died in the town. fire and 70 others were injured.

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