The Fortune cookie figures help the man to win a jackpot of $ 1 million


An American man earned $ 1 million (£ 767,500) in a lottery using the numbers of a fortune cookie he opened several years ago.

Ronnie Martin of Long Pond, Pennsylvania, is a regular lottery player but bought the lucky ticket for the New Jersey Lottery draw on July 24th.

Instead of choosing birthdays or other important dates, like many players, he trusted the fortune cookie figures: 1, 2, 4, 19 and 29.

Even though he had opened the cookie years ago, he had liked the numbers and kept them, hoping that they would bring him a fortune.

The day after the draw, Mr. Martin stopped at the gas station where he had bought the ticket while on his way to work in New Jersey.

When he placed the bill under the scanner, he ordered him to go to the counter, where he was told that he had a ticket for a million dollars.

The store employee had to scan the ticket again to prove to Martin Martin, incredulously, that he had earned the million dollars (£ 767,500).

Mr. Martin and his wife Shirley plan to use the money to pay for their house and their bills before saving the rest.

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