The foster parents hoped to adopt the baby boy before returning to a biological mother


The two-year-old Florida couple, whom the police claimed were killed by her mother, were detained by the adoptive mother and father who wanted to adopt the toddler before returning to her biological parents.

Jordan Belliveau was found dead Tuesday in a wooded area of ​​Largo.

His mother, Charisse Stinson, had reported missing a few days earlier, telling the police that she had agreed to be driven by a stranger by the name of Antwan who stunned him and took off with his son on Saturday.

But Wednesday, authorities said Stinson, 21, admitted that there was no such man and that she had invented the whole story.

"The injuries that were inflicted on him were, by his own admission, self-inflicted," Lt. Col. Larall Randall Chaney told the press on Wednesday. "And at the time in question, when she said that she was unconscious in the park, she was actually in another place, where we eventually found [Jordan’s] body."

According to his foster parents, Jordan had been in foster care for at least a year.

"We loved Jordan and we are devastated by his defeat," said Sam Warren. Jordan was placed with Sam and Juliet Warren in January 2017, he said.

While his wife was crying beside him, Sam Warren shared his memories of the boy with the reporters on Wednesday.

"We want you to know a little about Jordan that we know," he said. "He was not just the boy in the AMBER alert.

"Jordan was filled with joy," added. "Most people knew him [as] the Jordan who was laid back with an easy smile and a wink. He was our Mr. Chuckles. Like most little boys, we also saw the malicious side of Jordan. We are devastated by his loss. "

Surrounded by people who loved him deeply, Jordan learned to turn around, crawl, walk and talk in Warren's house, he said.

"He flourished and grew up in a community that loved him deeply too," said Sam Warren.

Jordan was removed from Warren's home in May 2018, he said.

"But for a court order, he would still be safe with us," said Sam Warren.

Stinson reportedly confessed to the police that she had killed Jordan in a "moment of frustration," which "in turn dropped his back on an inside wall of his house," according to a statement of arrest obtained by WFTS- TV.

"After the blow to the head, the victim suffered seizures during the night, which resulted in an additional decline [in his health], resulting in his death, "said the affidavit.

Instead of getting help, according to the affidavit, Stinson took his son to the wooded area where his body was found Tuesday.

While Stinson was talking with detectives, "There was no feeling, there was no remorse, only she was trying to escape the reality of history by inventing things, "Chaney said Wednesday.

According to WFLA-TV, there is a history of domestic violence between Jordan's parents, Jordan's father being arrested for allegedly punching Jordan's mother. Jordan's father had an alibi in the case of his son, the police said.

Florida's family and children's department was investigating the family and agents had seen Jordan at home on Friday, just one day before Stinson denounced him, Largo's police said.

The Warrens said the system had failed their adoptive son by getting him into a potentially dangerous home.

"He failed by many people who should have protected him, but did not," said Sam Warren. "The promises we made about how he would be protected after his return were broken. At the end of the day, we hope that our painful loss will result in a fundamental re-examination of the entire foster care system, the reunification process. Jordan deserves this and the other children in the system need it. "

DCF would work to compile cases of abuse concerning Jordan's biological family.

Stinson, who would be pregnant with another child, has been charged with mistreatment and first degree murder.

She appeared in court on Wednesday, where the bond was set at $ 500,000.

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