The fury of Julia Guimaraes, reporter of the World Cup, to the attempt to kiss on camera


Screenshot of a video showing the moment when a man tried to kiss Julia Guimaraes

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A man tried to kiss journalist Julia Guimaraes while she was working in Yekaterinburg

A Brazilian sports journalist replied after a man tried to kiss her while she was doing a live report of the World Cup in Russia.

Julia Guimaraes was in Yekaterinburg on Sunday during the match between Japan and Senegal when a man approached her and tried to kiss her while she was on the air. .

She dodged the kiss and told him never to behave like that to a woman.

Last week, a Colombian journalist in Moscow was groped live during the tournament.

"Do not do that, never do that again," shouted Ms. Guimaraes to the man, who can be heard apologizing in the video.

"Do not do that, I do not allow you to do that, never, agree? It's not polite, it's not okay.

"Never do that to a woman, okay?"

The TV reporter Globo and SportTV tweeted that she had never experienced this in Brazil, but that it had happened to her twice in Russia during the tournament.

She told Globo Esporte that the incident was "awful" and made her "helpless, vulnerable".

"This time, I answered but it's sad that people do not understand why people think that they have the right to do that."

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She said that she had been harassed during the opening match of the World Cup between Russia and Egypt in Moscow.

In March, Brazilian sports reporters denounced the sexual harassment they endure during their work.

They launched a campaign featuring incidents of being kissed and groped by fans and athletes during on-air shows, which they called #DeixaElaTrabalhar ("Let her work") .

Ms. Guimaraes told Globo Esporte that the harassment was taking place in Brazil, even though it had not happened in her native country.

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