The future of the Nissan-Mitsubishi-Renault alliance after Ghosn's arrest


"Although we view the charges against Ghosn as a serious breach of shareholder confidence in Nissan's senior leadership, but also against those across the alliance, we find in the news media reports that the alliance risks becoming too alarmist, "said Richard Hilgert equity analyst at Morningstar, said in a note.

"The scandal represents a significant risk to the key man for the alliance, but, in our opinion, the risk does not reach the level of existential," he said. .

Another analyst also told CNBC that the alliance would likely continue despite Ghosn's arrest.

"We are confident that the alliance will continue to pursue its joint activities," said Tuesday Janet Lewis, head of industrial research for Asia at Macquarie Capital Securities, in "Squawk Box". "It did not depend on one person, hundreds of employees from Renault, Mistubishi and Nissan working together on these projects."

"The degree of integration at the lower levels is substantial, nobody wins when they decide to leave," she said.

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