The G20 has taken 40 new measures on a trade of 481 billion US dollars since May, according to the WTO


The G20 group of the world's largest economies implemented 40 new trade restrictive measures between mid-May and mid-October, for a total trade amount of $ 481 billion. announced Thursday the World Trade Organization.

The new restrictions covered six times more trade than in the previous period and were the largest since the WTO began monitoring G20 trade in 2012, the statement said.

"The conclusions of the report should be of grave concern to the G20 governments and the entire international community," said WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo.

"Continued escalation remains a real threat.While we continue along the same path, economic risks will increase, with potential effects on growth, employment, and consumer prices around the world." integer ".

The WTO was doing everything in its power to help defuse the situation, he added, but the solutions would require the political will and leadership of the G20, whose leaders will meet in Argentina next week .

The monthly number of trade restrictions averages eight during the reporting period, compared with six in the previous report, which ran from mid-October 2017 to mid-May 2018, the statement said. l & # 39; WTO.

"The proliferation of trade-restrictive measures and the uncertainty created by such measures could jeopardize the economic recovery." Further escalation would pose potentially significant risks to global trade, with repercussions on economic growth, growth and economic growth. employment and consumer prices around the world, "That said.

G20 countries have also implemented an average monthly average of nearly seven trade liberalization measures, such as the reduction of import duties and export duties, covering a total of US $ 216 billion. dollars in trade, which is in line with the trend observed since 2012.

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