The game of players 'Marvel's Spider-Man' blows to promote a pro-police and surveillance program


Marvel's Spider-Man has already proven itself, but whoever has played is not amused. There are players who believe that Spider Man is aggressively pushing an unrealistic and positive pro-police program on players, and selling them at the thought of a city under full surveillance.

A recent article by Deadspin writer Tom Ley laments the fact that Spider Man players are forced to work with the NYPD.

According to Ley, the beginning of the game comes down to one goal: "help the cops". "Not just cops," says Ley, "but the NYPD in particular, because the game takes place in a realistic rendition of New York.It's stupid to expect video games to be reflections of life. real. " but it's also impossible for me, at least, not to feel a certain excitement about the game, even forcing me to adopt a fictionalized version of the NYPD, an organization that regularly oppresses some of the most vulnerable people in my city. "

Ley also hates the fact that Spider-Man spends a lot of his time repairing police surveillance towers. These tricks reveal the map to the players as they progress, but the fact that they are called "watch towers" seems to communicate a kind of spooky eye and big brother in the sky, watching every citizen and all that that he does. .

Some players take this perspective very seriously, suggesting that Insomniac Games, knowingly or unknowingly, prepares young players to place their faith and trust in a police force that only aims to serve itself. The problem is that a fantastic world where the police are always a good guy and where cameras on every corner mean more security for everyone, is jostled by young and impressionable. A heated debate over 20 pages on a popular gaming forum suggests that this is not an isolated opinion either.

Of course, not everyone involved is going to these extremes. Some simply fear that we are too quick to praise a game that, overall, communicates an acceptance and promotion of the NYPD that many simply can not align with their very real and very dark reality. Some people wonder if it is productive or even ethical to start another game that postulates that "banging" is the best way to deal with criminals. Personally, I did not think about it twice, because I knew very well that I was playing a video game of superheroes.

Contrary to what the article claims, Insomniac did not create a city loyal to New York. This is a fantastic version of New York City, where landmarks such as the Wakandan Embassy, ​​Sanctum Santorum and the Avengers Tower are as common as phone booths.

The surveillance towers, to our knowledge and in the game, do not exist to spy on the life of the citizens of this New York fantasy. Every time you adjust the frequencies and you give those turns, the only thing you hear is the radio chatter from the police. These seem to be in place to establish a city-wide network so that the police can report and report crimes in real time, which does not seem frightening to me. it seems practical.

I would also like to point out that at some point in the game, a sort of military police force takes over, led by Silver Sable. When military police come in to investigate and quarantine citizens, Spider-Man begins to hit their armored faces. He is not there to help the police establish dominance throughout the city; he is here to protect the citizens of New York.

Of course, Ley admitted he was not very far in the game when he wrote this article, so it's very possible that he has not yet met Sable and his special police. What you see in the opening hour, however, is a scene where Spider-Man arrives to help a SWAT police force, only to be betrayed by them and shoot. The game does not portray an always pure NYPD, always fair, in any form whatsoever, but it does not do everything possible to demonize them.

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