The gas pressure before the explosions in the Boston area was 12 times the normal level, say the senators


The pressure in the gas pipelines that exploded and caused multiple fires in communities in the Boston area last week was 12 times higher than normal, according to a letter from the Massachusetts Senators demanding that the utility responsible for the lines comply with the regulations. federal investigators.

Although Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced earlier this week that residents of North Andover, Andover and Lawrence were allowed to return home, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward J. Markey have asked for a parent company, NiSource.

"The Federal Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Authority reported that the pressure in the Columbia gas system should be approximately 0.5 pounds per square inch, but readings in the region would be at least 6 PSI – twelve times more than the system, "Markey and Warren wrote in a letter to both companies.

The fires and explosions – which affected 70 communities and "destroyed as many as 80 homes and buildings," Senators said – also killed one person and injured 25 others.

Senators added, "We are writing to ask you to provide us with information to help the American people understand why this terrible disaster has occurred, if the society was sufficiently prepared to respond to an incident of this magnitude and how we can prevent any incident. tragedy similar to the future ".

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