The gathering 'Turn California Red & # 39; attracts counter-protesters, but not violence


Tensions were brisk on Sunday in the California capital, while conservative protesters aimed to promote Republican politicians and protesters from Antifa and other far left groups opposed politics.

Participants at the "Turn California Red" rally gathered on the steps of the state capital of California to denounce the Democratic-dominated government, which allegedly implemented policies that made the Golden State "unlivable" for normal citizens ".

"Let's show these Democratic politicians that we are no longer silent and that their seats are no longer safe," reads the event page of the rally on Facebook.

However, leftist protesters claimed that the group was part of the "far right" and encouraged their supporters to "show themselves against fanaticism".


The Sacramento police closed the streets near the capital Sunday afternoon and police on horseback and bicycle separated the two groups. Police spokesman, Captain Norm Leong, tweeted that a person had been arrested for "having someone challenge him to fight," but no other major incident has occurred. been reported.

Two years ago, violence erupted when white nationalists clashed with counter-protesters at a neo-Nazi rally in the capital. Seven people were stabbed and the building was closed with staff and tourists still inside.

Fox Cas & Louis Casiano contributed to this report.

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