The gene gun could shoot down all strains of flu


A collaboration between two researchers may mean that one day, people can get a single vaccine that protects against all strains of the flu.

This year is particularly bad for the flu. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that more than 170 children have died of the flu.

Seasonal flu vaccines only protect you from three or four influenza strains, but researchers at the University of Washington are working to change that with a vaccine that would protect against all strains and a distribution system that does not No problem.

Lauren Reed has two small children and a full-time job. She knows that annual influenza vaccines do not protect against all strains of influenza.

"Even if it's a small chance to avoid it, I'll take it," she said.

Two researchers from two different labs worked on a universal flu vaccine, a vaccine that would protect against all strains. Now they work together.

David Baker designs proteins to generate broad responses to the flu.

"The proteins mimic the virus, so that when you're immunized with the protein, your body sees that it's alien and reacts, and if it's pretty similar to the virus, the response to the vaccine will also be a response to the virus. Baker said.

The protein leaves the body, but the immune response remains active.

In her lab, Deborah Fuller identified genetic sequences to fight the flu, but people's immune responses were not strong.

Now, with Baker's protein platform and Fuller's gene gun, work on a universal influenza vaccine is progressing.

"We put coded DNA on small gold particles the size of a micron, and these gold particles are accelerated at high speed by a gene gun, and then transferred in skin cells, "said Fuller.

She says it does not hurt a bit. Now she is working on a gene gun for clinical trials, but these may not start before five years.

Fuller assumes it could take 10 years before you can go to your doctor and get this universal flu shot. She and Baker say the potential of this collaboration is great: they could use this system for other diseases such as HIV or cancer.

REPORT: MB # 4469

BACKGROUND: Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat and sometimes the lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness and can sometimes lead to death. Complications of the flu may include bacterial pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections and the worsening of chronic medical conditions, such as congestive heart failure, asthma or diabetes. People who have the flu may suddenly experience fever, sore throat, cough, running nose or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches and fatigue. Vomiting and diarrhea may also occur, but more frequently in young children.

PREVENTION: The first and most important prevention of influenza is getting vaccinated every year. The influenza vaccine has been shown to reduce influenza-related illnesses and the risk of serious flu complications that can lead to hospitalization or even death. The CDC also recommends daily preventative actions (such as staying away from sick people, covering coughs and sneezes, and washing hands frequently) to help slow down the spread of germs that cause respiratory diseases, such as the flu. Influenza viruses are mainly transmitted by tiny droplets produced by people who cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouth or nose of people nearby. People with influenza are the most contagious within three to four days of the onset of their illness.

NEW RESEARCH: Current vaccines take nine months from the time the virus has been identified, until it can actually be injected into humans. Most of the mortality due to influenza occurs in the first three to six months. Vaccines are therefore not available when they are needed most. A DNA vaccine takes less than three months to produce and protect against all types of flu. The first DNA vaccines were delivered with just a needle and a syringe and were very inefficient because of the poor uptake of DNA into the cells of the body. Now, with the gene gun, the DNA could be transferred much more efficiently into skin cells, which would result in more cells producing the vaccine and much better immune responses.
(Source: Deborah Fuller, MD)

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