The genetics responsible for our study on tea or coffee preferences reveals


This has to do with Brussels sprouts.

If you get a dedicated coffee drinker and a dedicated tea drinker arguing about the best drink, you'll never see a pair of bigger, more pious zealous fanatics do the same in your life.

Why? Because people take either a team coffee or a team tea. There is no room for waffles or open-mindedness. You like either your organic green tea or your filtered coffee drip between 91 and 96 degrees Celsius.

Apparently, it's because when it comes to preferring coffee or tea, there is no free will. Everything is genetic according to a study of the Scientific reports newspaper.


Whether your heart is or you hate coffee depends on your genes. Photo: iStock

Bring Brussels sprouts

Scientists analyzed data from 400,000 participants to determine how the brain perceives bitter flavors. They believed that coffee tea's preference had something to do with that particular flavor.

It turns out that Brussels sprouts were the ideal tool for testing because they contain a compound called propylthiouracil (prop) that can give vegetables their bitter flavor. People who have found bitter Brussels sprouts also tend to prefer coffee tea. The opposite was true for the group that found the sweet vegetable.

The researchers also found that people who perceived more bitterness in tea team bream also tended to drink less alcohol.

However, people who like their coffee strong and bitter tend to drink more than four cups a day (coffee, no alcohol!).

Mystery solved!

Kind of. Researchers attribute the tendency of bitters to drink more coffee to learned behavior.

"Since humans generally avoid bitter tastes, we interpret these findings as potentially acquired behavior," said co-author Marilyn Cornelis. The Guardian. "If we can perceive caffeine, we associate it with the psycho-stimulating properties of caffeine and therefore look for more coffee."

For tea, the conclusions were not so simple. "Our tastes play in part on the amount of coffee, tea or alcohol we drink. The preference for tea can be seen as a consequence of coffee abstention, because our genes may have made coffee a bit too bitter for our palates. "

So, are you a tea team or a coffee team? Let us know in the comments! "src =" "/></div>
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