The giraffe calf dies two weeks after a difficult birth


NORFOLK, Va. – Baby G, a 2-week old giraffe calf, died Saturday at the Virginia Zoo.

The giraffe developed serious complications after his birth on October 13 and the zoo staff has been treating him since Wednesday.

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"These complications can occur despite the best efforts to sustain their survival and even after seeing improvements, as we did with Baby G," zoo officials said on social media.

The baby has received antibiotics, fluids and plasma transfusions to strengthen its immune system, the zoo said. Giraffe calves that do not breastfeed with their mothers during the first 24 hours, such as Baby G, have a more fragile immune system and are more susceptible to infections.

Baby G was the first calf of his mother, Noelle.

When he was born, the staff immediately noticed something that was wrong when he was not breastfeeding with her, according to the zoo.

"Mother Noelle, as well as our two other giraffes, Billy and Imara, are doing well and adapting to the changes that have occurred over the last few days," the zoo said in a statement.

"We hope that the calf will continue to respond to treatment," said Zoo Director Greg Bockheim shortly after the birth of Baby G. "You never know what to expect with new mothers, but I am convinced that our staff provides the best possible care for the newborn, and we will have to be patient with the process. "

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