The GOP legislator once downplayed sexual harassment: "How traumatic was it?


representative Jason LewisJason Mark LewisPaul Ryan Will Campaign For The 25 Vulnerable House Republicans How The Division Between Urban And Rural Areas In America Alters The Democrat Party Democrats Hope Of A Majority In The House In The Suburbs Of Minnesota MORE (R-Minn.), Democrats' favorite target at mid-term this fall, has already mocked women's sexual misconduct on her radio show in 2012, before becoming a member of Congress , according to a new report released by KFile of CNN.

Lewis made these statements during discussions of allegations of sexual harassment against Herman Cain, Republican presidential candidate at the time, as president of the National Restaurant Association. Cain denied these allegations, although two women had benefited from settlements after accusing him of sexual harassment.

"I do not want to be insensitive here, but how traumatic was it?" Lewis asked in a segment of his radio show discovered by KFile.

"How many women at one point in their lives do they have a man who comes to see them, puts their hand on their shoulder or maybe even the thigh, kisses them, and they would prefer that it not happen? but is it really something that will be etched in your memory for a therapy? "he said.

"You will never get away with it?" It was the most traumatic experience "Come on!" She was not raped, added Lewis, using a mocking voice mimicking a woman in distress.

Lewis also criticized the laws on sexual harassment as violations of freedom of expression and stated that he did not think that shocking remarks or jokes about women should be regulated by the government.

Lewis first won a congressional seat in 2016, beating Democrat Angie Craig by about 2 points.

Both are in a rematch this year, and Craig is now the favorite according to The Cook Political Report, which qualifies the race as "Democratic Lean".

In response to a request for comments from The Hill, Lewis's campaign returned the story to Craig, saying the comments were "years old".

"Democrats are increasingly alarmed by the fact that radical movement candidate Angie Craig has failed once again in the bid for MN-02. So we return to the land of smear recalling old speeches held for years on the radio, and again and again! , said Lewis campaign spokeswoman Becky Alery in a statement to The Hill

"In fact, $ 8 million was spent on the old talk radio commentaries in 2016, but here we are again with some bottom-up feeders who will do anything to help the left-wing cause!"

Lewis then sought to link Craig to Al FrankenAlan (Al) Stuart FrankenMeet Man Ready to Fight Against White House Dems The GOP Senate candidate in Minnesota compared Michelle Obama to a chimpanzee in a Facebook post., Minnesota Democrat Senator who resigned under a cloud of allegations of sexual harassment earlier this year, and Rep. Keith EllisonKeith Maurice EllisonDershowitz: Obama and Ellison have "special obligation" to convict Farrakhan Ellison accuses his ex-wife of physical abuse, divorce report says: Minnesota GOP Senate candidate compared Michelle Obama to chimpanzee in a Facebook article PLUS (D-Minn.), Who was accused by a former girlfriend of emotional and physical abuse.

"It's a lot more fun than dealing with a weak candidate, Craig, who refused to take principled positions on all issues as she campaigned with Al Franken and Keith Ellison, while pretending to be all for all in this Midwestern district, "said Alery.

A series of controversial comments by Lewis during his career as a radio host have become public in recent months. Several of them have been reported by KFile of CNN.

In July, he reported Lewis' comments in his show on how blacks have a "mentality of law" and are more likely to be violent at social gatherings.

"We just can not say the same thing about other groups, but when there is a festival, a rally, call it what you want – June 9, weekend or weekend. in Miami Beach or Myrtle Beach and Indianapolis, a predominantly black festival, there are problems, "he said in a program aired in August 2012.

In a program broadcast for the first time in February 2012 by KFile, Lewis asked why men could not use the word "slut" to designate certain women.

"Does a woman now have the right to behave – and I know that there is a double standard between how men chase women and running – you know, I But you know what I'm talking about But once, women were subject to a little higher standards We needed the modesty of women Now, are we beyond those days when a woman can behave like a slut, but you can not call him slut? "

This story was updated at 12:55.

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