The governor of Puerto Rico is preparing to support the races in Florida – with some controversy


Rosselló will first organize an event with Senator Bill Nelson at 10:30 am in Orlando, where Nelson's campaign is launching a "major announcement". The campaign did not say what this ad will be and declined to comment directly – but a source with direct knowledge of the event plans says that an approval is expected.

Separately, a second source with knowledge of Rosello's intentions confirmed that approval is expected.

Later in the day, Rosselló will appear at an event with the Democratic candidate for governorship, Andrew Gillum. The Gillum campaign also promises a "major announcement", but would not say whether approval is expected.

Rosselló is a democrat, but generally works well in his relations with politicians of all stripes. He was very careful to avoid the direct criticism of President Donald Trump as a result of the devastation of Hurricane Maria.

Rosselló also had a very good working relationship with Florida Governor Rick Scott, a Republican who defied Nelson for the Senate. Rosselló has made several trips to the state.

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