The governor wins the primary, after Trump's boost: NPR


Governor of South Carolina, Henry McMaster, greets President Trump at a rally at the West Columbia Airport Secondary School in South Carolina on Monday.

Mandel Ngan / AFP / Getty Images

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Mandel Ngan / AFP / Getty Images

Governor of South Carolina, Henry McMaster, greets President Trump at a rally at the West Columbia Airport Secondary School in South Carolina on Monday.

Mandel Ngan / AFP / Getty Images

Updated at 21:34 ET

President Trump managed to convince one of his first allies to win on Tuesday as South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster won his first round of the GOP playoffs.

The President was burned by making endorsements in the past that did not work (twice during the Special Senate elections of Alabama last year), but he has another victory at the bank after burglar Monday night for McMaster. Trump has also approved in a competitive New York House primary that has not yet been called.

In other contests, both parties see ideological divisions drawn by inter-party struggles in seven states. Several Democratic leaders face major challenges from the left, while there are struggles between the most conservative wings and the GOP institutions.

Meanwhile, more than 80,000 voters in Maryland may need to file provisional ballots, due to a technical glitch with voter information that has been updated by the ## 147 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 39, State Motor Vehicle Administration.

Here's what to look for in the primaries of New York, Maryland, Utah, Colorado and Oklahoma, as well as the runoffs in South Carolina and Mississippi.

Trump mentions on the line

McMaster was able to fend off Iraq war veteran John Warren in a second round after missing a majority in the five-way Republican primary two weeks ago. Warren had attempted to argue that he was Trump 's closest candidate as an outside businessman, but that was McMaster who had Trump' s vocal blessing when he was the only one. He was seeking a governorship after accepting the post after Nikki Haley became United Nations Ambassador.

Both McMaster and Trump will surely mark the President's election rally for McMaster as instrumental to the tight victory. McMaster was one of Trump's most loyal allies. When he was Lieutenant Governor, McMaster became the first elected official nationwide to support Trump in January 2016.

On Monday, the president acknowledged that his own record was on the line if McMaster had not won.

"They will say," Donald Trump suffered a major defeat in the great state of South Carolina, a humiliating defeat for Donald Trump. "So please, get your donkeys out tomorrow and vote," Trump told a crowd from western BC Monday night in a speech that only briefly mentioned the outgoing governor, although he joined Trump on stage early.

The other major support the president tested tonight is in New York. Trump did not campaign for Rep. Dan Donovan, but congressional allies say the president's tweet last month endorsing former president Michael Grimm in the 11th Congressional District of Staten Island helped increase one's chances in their bitter primary.

Grimm tried to campaign as a more pro-Trump candidate. The former congressman held the seat before he was forced to resign while pleading guilty to tax evasion charges and spending seven months in jail.

But in his tweet endorsing Donovan, Trump cited the loss of the Alabama Senate of last year as a warning that Grimm would be impossible to select at a general election.

That's exactly what national Republicans fear and the Democrats are hoping, excited about their likely candidate Max Rose, an army veteran who should win his primary.

Progressive vs. establishment in democratic races

The Democratic Governor of Maryland highlights the different approaches that fight for supremacy in this party. Former NAACP President Ben Jealous has received endorsement from Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker and other progressive personalities. But the executive of Prince George County, Rushern Baker, has gained support from much of the state's political establishment, such as Sen. Chris Van Hollen and the minority whip of the House Steny Hoyer.

The two candidates are African-American and would be the first black governor in Maryland history if they win – and only the third in the 50 states – but whoever wins will have a tough race against GOP Governor Larry Hogan. Although Maryland is traditionally a blue state, centrist Hogan remains extremely popular and has been a frequent critic of Trump.

Several Democratic leaders in New York also face tough primary challenges on Tuesday. Joe Crowley, Speaker of the Democratic House Caucus – who is considered a possible candidate to lead the Democrats if Nancy Pelosi leaves or is ousted after the half-way – confronts 28-year-old activist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a Queens more and more diverse. District of Bronx.

The Washington Post Dave Weigel reports that three other Democratic members of New York City – representatives Carolyn Maloney, Yvette Clarke and Eliot Engel – have faced major challenges. Engel easily won his race, while the other two have not yet been called.

Several competitive seats at New York House are also a key part of the Democrats' calculation for reclaiming the House, and the way the primaries will play will influence the races in the fall.

In the 24th district, Navy veteran and former Siracusa mayoral candidate Juanita Perez Williams has been approved by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee as the strongest choice to challenge GOP representative John Katko . But she must first defeat university professor Dana Balter, who presents herself as the most progressive choice with the support of and the four county committees, who have complained about the DCCC interfered in. the race. Democratic primaries crowded in the 1st district to face Republican Lee Zeldin and in the 19th district with Republican John Faso also deserve to be watched.

In Colorado, Democrats have long sought to eliminate Republican Republican Mike Coffman in his Denver suburb that Hillary Clinton wore 9 points. The DCCC also approved Jason Crow's attorney, and he should easily be the best energy consultant Levi Tillemann, who had been pushed by Hoyer, the Democratic House whip, to give up his offer.

Republican divisions on the display

The "Safe-Open-Seat" competitions in South Carolina and Oklahoma will also have an impact on the direction of the Chamber of Deputies' conference.

In the 1st Open District of Oklahoma, where Jim Bridenstine resigned after being confirmed NASA Administrator, Conservative House Freedom Caucus and Club For Growth support war veteran Iraqi Andy Coleman while the Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., Has endorsed the state's more libertarian leaning senator Nathan Dahm. Meanwhile, the centrist Republican Main Street Partnership supports businessman Kevin Hern.

In the second round of the South Carolina District, Senator Lee Bright is also endorsed by the club for growth as well as Iowa representative Steve King and is the most conservative choice to succeed Trey Gowdy. State Senator William Timmons has more settlement support, with the support of Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

In Colorado, Rep. Doug Lamborn faces several key challengers after failing to vote. Initially, he was dismissed after the district voters filed a complaint arguing that his petition's signatures were not valid because the people he had hired to gather them were not valid. not Colorado residents, as required by law. But it was put on the ballot by a federal judge.

The next step from Romney to the Senate

Former GOP presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, should easily win the GOP nomination for the Senate over state representative, Mike Kennedy, in the race for success of outgoing Senator, Orrin Hatch .

The former Massachusetts governor had been a vocal critic of Trump, even excoriating him as a "fake" and a "fraud" during the 2016 campaign. And while Romney is certainly not a Enthusiastic fan of the president, he somewhat attenuated his critics and Trump even approved him.

While not supporting enough Trump has been potentially deadly in other GOP races, nearly a quarter of voters in the conservative state voted for a third party candidate in 2016 instead of Trump, who took only 45 percent of the vote. Romney remains very popular in this heavily Mormon state, where he helped save the 2002 Winter Olympics.

A potentially historic first in Colorado Governor

There is a battle to succeed the time-limited Democratic Governor John Hickenlooper in Colorado, which could be history. Democratic Rep. Jared Polis is the favorite to win the nomination of his party, but EMILY's list supports former state treasurer, Cary Kennedy. While Democratic women have participated in home races this year, they have had more problems in governor competitions. If Polis wins the nomination and is then victorious in November, he would be the first openly gay man elected governor in the United States.

On the GOP side, state treasurer, Walker Stapleton, was elected after being attacked by his main rival, Victor Mitchell, because he is a cousin of the Bush family, claiming that Stapleton does not Was not quite loyal to Trump. Stapleton was not the only political scion in the race – the investment banker Doug Robinson is a nephew of Romney.

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