The greatest daredevil of Netflix: making comics for theaters


The streaming service is facing a thorny problem for the customer if it continues its progress in theatrical releases and does not offer these films simultaneously as part of a streaming subscription.

"They should not make their content available in theaters unless it is also available simultaneously on Netflix, or that it may damage the brand with the aforementioned customers using Netflix for original content," Carol said. Roth, founder of Future File, who provides assistance for legacy planning, and former investment banker.

Last Tuesday, Netflix announced earnings that exceeded Wall Street expectations in terms of increased subscribers. It is adding as many subscribers in a year as the recent acquisition of HBO by AT & T, accumulated over the past four decades.

Marvel management did not rule out the idea of ​​further collaboration.

"We define a lot of what we're doing, but I – I never say never, but I do not know when." Said Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios, at Screen Rant's " Avengers: Infinity War ". junket press, deal with the possibility of a future cross with the Netflix characters.

"It's a tricky situation and full of unknowns – I think everyone in Hollywood will monitor the evolution of the model," said Karie Bible, an analyst in charge of exhibitor relations. In its view, Netflix's acquisition of the New Mexico production site is more of a short-term financial transaction to take advantage of the tax credits, but could eventually become part of a film-making effort. . "I think they're going to theaters, it's a bit of a wait-and-see game."

Jahns said that it was better to leave some legacies on TV in this way, even considering the attractiveness – and the possibility of winning box office receipts – of a movie cartoon with big budget.

"Iron Man and Marvel Cinematic Universe have changed the game. Comics films are now taking a big-screen adaptation seriously," he said. "I think that a Defender character having his own movie could be a fun test, but the legacy of the story should remain as a series." After all, I found the first 'X-Files' movie quite pleasant, but when I think of the legacy of 'The X-Files' and the joy that I felt in looking at it, I'm thinking of the series, not the movies. "

By Donovan Russo, special for

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