The group of doctors recommends support for transgender children


A group of doctors took a stand for transgender children on Monday, offering advice on what he called "a rapidly changing field."

The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended support for children who change their name or hairstyle to assert the gender identity chosen. The group said that children are more likely to have better physical and mental health with such support.

The policy describes interventions, including hormones to suppress puberty and even surgery for adolescents on a case by case basis. He calls for advocacy for laws protecting transgender youth from discrimination.

The recommendations, published in the journal Pediatrics, come at a time when the Trump administration has put a brake on these protections.

A study done earlier this year found that nearly 3% of young Americans were considered transgender or other non-traditional terms.

The group of doctors, who represent 67,000 doctors who treat children and young adults, has already made public statements in response to transgender bathroom legislation, but this is his first statement. principle.

The Associated Press Department of Health and Science is receiving support from the Department of Science Education at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The AP is solely responsible for all content.

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