The gut is a "starting point" for Parkinson's disease, according to a study


Clare Bale, head of research at Parkinson's UK, commented "In most cases, the causes of Parkinson's disease are a mystery, but understanding how the disease begins and evolves is the first step to combat it.A flawless stay

"The study builds on previous research indicating that for some, Parkinson's disease starts in the intestine."A flawless stay

The research team, based at the Van Andel Research Institute (VARI) in the United States, suggested a link between removal of the appendix and a reduced risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

Its removal would inevitably cut off the intestine and vagus nerve – the main link that runs along the so-called axis of the intestine and brain.

Research suggests that cutting off this nerve could prevent the sticky clumps of a protein called alpha-synuclein from spreading to the brain, thereby reducing the risk of Parkinson's.

Annex, a major role in the MP? A flawless stay

"Our results indicate that the appendix is ​​an original site for Parkinson's disease and paves the way for the development of new treatment strategies exploiting the role of the gastrointestinal tract in the development of the disease." , Dr. Viviane Labrie, Assistant Professor at VARI and lead author of studies.

"Although it has the reputation of being largely useless, the appendix actually plays a major role in our immune system, in regulating the composition of our intestinal bacteria and, as our work shows, in the Parkinson disease."A flawless stay

In addition to cutting the vagus nerve, animal studies have highlighted the intestinal bacteria that live in the gut. NutraIngredients has previously reported the theory that intestinal microbes could trigger Parkinson's disease.

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