The "Halloween Saturday Movement": A petition asks Trump to reprogram the spooky celebration


Leave it to the calendar to create a major crisis.

Halloween falls on a Wednesday this year. Hump ​​day, right in the middle of the work week. Want to help a child put the finishing touches on a Super Mario outfit? Better not to get caught in the office. Do you plan to return early to school the next day? Better to put the pins.

A solution to this tedious planning was suggested by the The Halloween Industry Association, which represents companies whose interest in getting Americans to spook each year is hardly opaque. The group, also known as Halloween and Costume Association, is asking President Trump to move Halloween on the last Saturday of October.

This is called the "Saturday Halloween movement," and it may be the cause that can unite the country.

Who, after all, even knows why Halloween is celebrated on October 31st? The calendar of the celebration reflects its origins in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, while it was thought that the ghosts of the dead would come back and roam the Earth at the end of the harvest and on the eve of the day. Winter, as the History Channel explains.

The Halloween industry says that there are now more pressing concerns.

"It's time to celebrate in a safer, longer and stress-free way!" Declares the petition.

The petition gathers serious statistics to prove its purpose. The industry warns each year of 3,800 Halloween-related injuries. Most parents do not include "high-visibility aids" in their outfits or petition notes, and most children do not carry a flashlight. Seventy percent of parents leave their children alone to make silly things, according to the industry, while more than half of millennials say that Halloween is their favorite holiday. Why does the Halloween industry ask: "Crush it in two rush hours on weekday evenings when it's worth a full day!?!

Nearly 6,000 signatories seem to agree.

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