"The Hate U Give", Bohemian Rhapsody, "Widows" tell authentic and empathic stories


Fox participated in the annual Contenders LA event of Deadline and brought his films Hate U Give, Bohemian Rhapsody, and Widows.

Based on the novel by Angie Thomas, Hate U Give tells the tragic but familiar story of an unarmed black man who is shot by an officer and the effect of ricochet on a girl, Starr (Amandla Stenberg), witness to the murder and his community.

The Hate U Give panel at The Contenders LA

Rob Latour / Shutterstock

"Unfortunately, this story has always been topical. It was opportune 20 years ago, 10 years ago, and we are today. "Unfortunately, it will probably be tomorrow," said star Russell Hornsby, joined by Stenberg at the DGA Theater. "The intent of the film is to create an understanding that will evoke a sense of empathy, a dialogue, which hopefully will create this swell that will bring people on both sides to communicate."

Adding to Hornsbys' comments, Stenberg wanted to point out that the film's message was not anti-police, but rather "it's really a reflection of reality". She continued, "The fact is that if you have not had these experiences, it's to be sympathetic with [those who have]. "In addition, said Stenberg," it is also a place of mourning, mourning, and treatment. In the black community, we do not have the opportunity to think about these events in a way that we take care of ourselves with emotion … in addition to serving as a tool for the future. empathy, it is supposed to be placed in the place where we can meet and cry and release feelings.

Stenberg ended the session with a statement that moved the audience. "As we continue to navigate this world, which continues to appear more and more scary, we can have the tools in our toolbox and love in our hearts to continue:"

Star Rami Malek and producer Graham King were present to represent Freddie Mercury's Biopic, a 10-year-old feature film for King. "We did the movie we wanted to do with a few obstacles," joked King. Without directly addressing the controversy surrounding director Bryan Singer, King added, "I must say that I have to go to work every day and watch [Malek] to perform and let him drive this train every morning with this energy is what allowed us to go through everything. "

King made it known that Malek was the only person in the lead for the role. "One could have the impression that Rami's DNA could become what we were looking for to play Freddie. He was the only guy we examined. "

Malek, however, was not so confident of embodying the role of Mercury. "I am not a singer. I do not play the piano. I move very interestingly on the dance floor, I do not know if I would call it rhythm. "

"The thing about Freddie, is that I looked at him like this superhuman deity, this icon. I thought, how am I going to be so close to that, "Malek said.

"I had to demystify him and bring him back to earth. I watched someone that I could understand. I may be from Sherman Oaks but my parents are from Cairo. He is an immigrant. Being here on this stage, having this moment and this weekend and all that is happening is something that I do not think our parents, his or hers, expect. "

Rob Latour / Shutterstock

Star Elizabeth Debicki spoke of her immediate connection to her character in Steve McQueen's film Heist Widows. "When I first read Alice, I felt a deep compassion for her. I am half Polish. Alice is second generation Polish. More than that, I felt that the way she was reading on the page was incredibly authentic.

Viola Davis, Michelle Rodriguez and Cynthia Erivo play the main role in this thriller about women who are forced to take control of their destiny and conspire to forge a future in their own way.

"With these women, the film talks about compassion and friendship and fraternity among women," said Debicki. Steve was very aware of the fact that he was bringing together four women so different from each other and who had a lot to learn and learn. He opened this space so that we could be sufficiently protected to be really honest … we integrated that into the movie and tried to do it with these characters as well. "

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