The heartbeat of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has increased in his Congressional testimony – Quartz at Work


Do not let the nose ring or jumped collar fool you. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was clearly taking things seriously today (5 September) in Washington, where he testified before two congressional committees about his company's plans to fight foreign interference in the American elections.

The marathon sessions, in which Dorsey also answered questions – and sometimes political discussions – on topics ranging from censorship and data privacy to cyberbullying and algorithmic biases, drove the pace of change. technical director. And how do we know that?

For when all was over, Dorsey, who was joined by Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee and then toasted by the home's Energy and Commerce Committee, tweeted a catch screen of his Apple statistics tracker.

The average heart rate of resting men is 60 to 100 beats per minute, making the upper limits of Jack Dorsey's heart rate more docile. But Dorsey is not your average man. He is the founder and CEO of two public companies. He would have meditated and played sports every day, and for the past two years he has been walking for five kilometers to do some exercise and time for reflection.

His resting heart rate when he does not testify in front of Congress, as indicated by the first hours of data on his chart, is approaching the 40 beats per minute that is commonly found in athletes. d & # 39; elite. .

But apparently, Dorsey has kept his cool throughout the testimony, even though the share price of Twitter dropped as the Senate session.

Stress is not the only factor in changing heart rates. According to the American Heart Association, standing up can briefly increase your heart rate, while some medications like beta blockers can slow it down. Weather conditions can also play a role, with high heat and humidity sometimes leading to an increase in heart rate of five to ten beats per minute. On Dorsey's big day in Washington, temperatures in the city reached a high of 94 ° F and humidity was 72%.

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