The heartbreaking and infuriating words of Melisa Reidy-Russell


Heartbreaking. Heartbreaking. Exasperating.

And many other feelings of sickness and fright triggered by the post of Melisa Reidy-Russell, the ex-wife of the Addis Russell getaway. Linked to her Instagram account, the publication described the terrible physical, mental and emotional abuse she experienced during their marriage.

"The first time my wife mistreated me, I was in shock," wrote Reidy-Russell. "I could not understand what had happened. … why was he so angry? What did I do for him to want to put his hands on me?

"Of course, I forgave him and I assumed it would never happen again. I just thought that he had let his emotions take over on him, he loves me and he is sorry. I was deeply hurt that he could even be capable of this behavior towards me, I could not understand how the man whom I was so in love with, the father of my child, the The man I married a few months ago, could show such aggression towards me. "

Later in the post, she wrote about an incident that occurred in the presence of their then-young son. Reidy-Russell had moved with the couple's son to his hometown of Pensacola, Florida, but returned to Chicago so that the child could see his father.

"But, as I was waiting for it, our visit was a nightmare, I swore it would be the last time that he would be putting my hands and that would be the last time I had let my son testify "she wrote.

Reidy-Russell described in detail some of the mental and emotional abuse she experienced.

"Psychological / verbal abuse began long before I realized that, in the end, it was starting to be a daily life," she wrote. "To be blamed for pretty much everything that went wrong, call, intimidate with personal strength, manipulate me to think that I was the problem, destroy my personal belongings, threaten to send me and our son home like if I had the privilege of living with us. Basically, I felt like I was nothing, nobody and I was nothing without him, and I could not do anything without him. "

There was no reason not to believe Reidy-Russell's words. They looked like a victim who had been physically, mentally and emotionally abused by someone desperately in need of help.

She did not detail the physical episodes as she described the psychological and psychological abuse, but the abuse is an abuse.

Nor was there any reason to believe that Reidy-Russell had an ulterior motive. It took courage. This is read as a big step forward in the recovery. His words sounded like a person who wanted to serve a horrible period of his life. She also appeared as someone who was beginning to muster the necessary forces to express herself in favor of other victims, as the title of the publication says "You have no secrets, you have a story. ".

Clues to a deplorable couple situation appeared in June 2017. A person identified as a friend of Reidy-Russell used social media to accuse Russell of "having assaulted her mentally and physically".

MLB began an investigation, but Reidy-Russell did not cooperate. The question remained open. The Reidy-Russell night shift prompted MLB to continue its investigation and Friday to terminate his administrative leave, in accordance with the collective agreement between MLB and the Players' Association.

Cubs President Theo Epstein said the owner Tom Ricketts and himself had met with Russell on Friday to inform him of MLB's decision. Epstein said the CBA process is preventing the Cubs from taking action against Russell if they wish. Epstein said that Russell told him and Ricketts that he did not do what he was accused of being an ex-wife.

Cubs director Joe Maddon said Friday that he preferred to gather all the information before giving his opinion. But when asked if he had read Reidy-Russell's message, he said he did not do it and then asked his interlocutor, "Do I?" Not a good time for Maddon.

Friday has become a moving day that has made the opening of the series of weekends Cubs-White Sox a real reflection. A virulent societal misfortune splashed by sport. Again. This must stop. Domestic violence must be stanched. This is the opportunity to highlight this request. I hope this is a step forward towards the end of such a cowardly and loose behavior, though, if the past is a prologue, I have little confidence in that the good lessons will be learned.

If nothing else, I hope Reidy-Russell finds peace.

Addison Russell of Cubs takes an administrative leave while MLB investigates the accusations of physical abuse of the ex-wife

Javier Baez replaces Addison Russell at the short stop for the Cubs; Jose Abreu not available for White Sox »

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