The heartbreaking warning of mom after teen dies to eat Ahoy Chips cookie


A Florida mother warns parents after the sudden death of her teenage daughter.

NBC Miami reports Alexi Ryann Stafford, 15, of Weston, took a bite out of a peanut butter cookie Ahoy Reese Chips. His mother wrote in a Facebook post now viral that it was "a fatal choice".

Mother Kellie Travers-Stafford explained that her daughter, who was suffering from severe allergy to peanut, thought the cookies were safe

"The top flap of the packaging has was removed and the packaging was too similar to what we had previously. "deemed" safe "for her," she wrote.

Alexi entered anaphylactic shock and, despite two injections EpiPen, died within two hours after ingestion of the biscuit.

"As a mother who diligently taught him the limits of what was acceptable and what did not happen to him. was not, I feel lost and angry because she knew her limits and knew familiar packaging, she knew what it was "safe". Travers-Stafford wrote.

She shared two pictures: one showing the variety of Reese who killed her daughter and the other showing the kind of regular jaw. Both have a very similar red packaging.

Travers-Stafford hopes to raise awareness and encourage companies to make information about ingredients more obvious.

His post was shared nearly 70,000 times on Tuesday morning.

"We take allergens very seriously," writes Ahoy Chips in response to user requests. "Chewy Chips Ahoy!", Made with the packaging of Reese's peanut butter cups, clearly shows that it contains peanuts through the words and visuals. Packaging indicates Chewy, Chunky or Original. Consumers should always read the label for information on allergy. Chips Ahoy's parent company, Mondelez, echoed the need for consumers to read the information on allergies, but added: "We were very saddened to hear about this situation." ] [19459010Retourauxrésultats]

A GoFundMe campaign for Alexi Memorial Fund raised nearly $ 30,000.


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