The high resolution concept art INFINITY WAR sees the Mad Titan Thanos become shirtless … and he is superb!


Avengers: Infinity War finally drew attention to Thanos, making him the main character of the film and ensuring that, at the time of the credits, he emerged victorious from his fight against the most powerful heroes of the Earth. While it will be adorned with new armor in Avengers 4, he dropped that in that first film after winning more than one Infinity Stone during the opening sequence.

While he ended up wearing a rather simplistic tunic, it seems that the Marvel studios have someday considered making some changes to the situation by asking Mad Titan to fight to defeat the shirtless Avengers!

The villain looks really damn pretentious and shows his muscles. There are, in fact, motifs reminiscent of the evil X-Men, Apocalypse (who will soon return to the MCU following the Fox / Disney merger).

To take a look at this impressive batch of high-resolution conceptual images, you just need to click on the "View list" button below to consult the complete list.

Lyriqtxi o

Thanos is sitting on his throne, caressing his helmet and seems very happy with everything he's plotted. This necklace is similar to what he wore on the tunic he wore in the movie.

Cuu92nnq o

Mtkowx12 o

What a total badass! Thanos has the tone and no one will accuse him of having a "daddy bod". In fact, it's fair to say that he's even more ripped than The Hulk!

Uiqtjpwd o

A slightly different look for Mad Titan, it would have probably worked on the screen but perhaps a little too casual and does not really seem to match his naughty attitude.

Ii5q7dn7 o

Thanos more shirtless. Something tells me that some fans (you know, the guy who to write fan-fiction) will love to see the Mad Titan portrayed in such a state of undressing!

Tyduf8ka o

No3gfgea o

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Aikfaugr o

These Thanos costumes are clearly inspired by many places, including ancient Egypt. As a result, it's hard not to think about Apocalypse, the evil X-Men, by looking at them.

Tiupjyjs o

Another shot of Thanos relaxing on his throne. It's a shame we could not see more. Maybe Marvel Studios thought it would make him look like a typical villain.

Mvfcvnbq o

Thanos in a hoodie? Yes, I'm not sure that this one works. Although this is certainly a pretty interesting idea, it seems a little ridiculous and it's easy to imagine that many fans are making fun of this look.

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This magnificent work shows Thanos standing in front of the fallen collector, while wearing something that gives the villain a much older look.

Mznrzjdt o

The Thanos costume is rather detailed and busy, which makes it clear that it no longer needs armor and that it is comfortable to wear what you want. He now likes that he owns the Stones.

1gukfz2i o

Thanos in a … kimono? I imagine that Marvel really wanted to echo this laid-back atmosphere for Mad Titan and that this would certainly have been a cool look for the villain while he was cooling his ship.

Cpkjobxh o

Another very casual look for Thanos, I could see him working on Sanctuary II, but probably not when he faced both the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

S1wos47t o

These sketches show Thanos wearing both his armor and the underside. It seems that this version of the character was considered to be a little lighter and torn.

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It seems that they are all the same costumes in different states of undressing! Thanos certainly looks very royal here and this cape makes it look like, well, the king of the universe!

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Some very cool paintings, they offer another clue to what Marvel Studios planned to consider for Thanos as the pre-production process unfolded in the film.

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Although Thanos looks like Apocalypse here, there is no doubt that what is really interesting is the fact that it seems to be flanked by aliens similar to The Other in The Avengers.

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