The hole where the Brexit market should be


Sure Sunday afternoon, Dominic Raab, British Secretary of Brexit, went to Brussels to meet Michel Barnier, the chief negotiator of the European Union. The afternoon meeting was only announced that day and seemed to indicate that an agreement was almost over. Last Friday, in Luxembourg, the Ambassadors were informed of the smooth progress of the negotiations. During the weekend, the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung quoted from an internal USU A document saying, "Agreement reached, nothing has been made public (in theory)", in the expectation of a possible announcement of the British government on Monday. There have been rumors in London for several weeks that Theresa May, the prime minister, was willing to accept new compromises in the talks – a dense and technical range of media, protocols and procedures – in order to announce an agreement. with the EU at a special summit on Brexit next month.

But Sunday's meeting was a bust. At 6:43 P.M.Barnier commented on Twitter: "Despite intense efforts, some key issues remain unresolved, including the point of support for IE / NI in order to avoid a hard border" – a reference to the problem. a border on the island of Ireland, an issue that has stained the negotiations for more than a year. A few hours later, the British Ministry of exit from the European Union issued its own sad statement: "There are still a number of unresolved backstop issues." Neither Raab nor Barnier told what happened at the meeting, but the guardian reported that the main obstacle remains May's ability to sell her compromises at home. EU. The ambassadors were informed that "the British need more time," Sabine Weyand, MP Barnier, reported the newspaper. "The problem is on the British side," said a diplomat.

There is now a hole where the contract with Brexit should be. A meeting of US "Sherpas" – high-level diplomats and interlocutors of bloc leaders – to prepare for Monday in Brussels to prepare the ground for the conclusion of the agreement, was canceled. On Wednesday evening, the leaders of the European Union will gather for a dinner in Brussels. May had to give them an outline of an agreement. From that moment, she has more than a nightmare of anxiety.

The big stumbling block – around the Irish border – has always been there. Since the start of negotiations on Brexit, in the summer of 2017, they have been upset by the logical need to create a border between Ireland (EU member) and Ireland of the North (part of the United Kingdom), and by the political necessity of not having a border, in order to protect the peace process of the island. Squaring this circle would be difficult under all circumstances, but in order to pass a law, May's government relies on the ten members of Parliament who belong to the Democratic Trade Unionist and Pro-Trade Union Party. Any solution to "Irish support", as we know, will probably imply that Northern Ireland remains more or less in the EU structures, while the rest of the UK goes one step further. This is a no-go for the U.P.

Nevertheless, the negotiators have quietly tried to find an agreement in this direction. Last week, Arlene Foster, leader of the U.P., had her own audience with Barnier in Brussels; The party promptly threatened to overthrow May's government if such an agreement was reached. On Sunday, emails sent by Foster were disclosed to Observer, saying that "the U.P.P were ready for a no-deal scenario", indicating that May had lost party support.

At the same time, May's conservative party is a barely coherent entity. Over the weekend, while the prime minister seemed on the brink of accepting the conditions for the withdrawal of the EU nation, his former Brexit negotiator, David Davis, called May's cabinet to stand up against her by invoking the compromises she wanted. accept. "It's time for the firm to exercise its collective authority," Davis wrote in an article published on Sunday. Time. "The authority of our constitution is at stake." Boris Johnson, the former Foreign Secretary, who resigned this summer following the Brexit Plan in May, described the future Irish agreement as "a choice between the Dissolution of this country and subjugation Jacob Rees-Mogg, the jingoist deputy of Brexiteer, told the crowd at a "Leave Means Leave" rally in Torquay: "Dare to say that we stood up to the French once or twice before, "before comparing the EU to the Mafia.

Nobody knows how many Conservative MPs will vote against what May will finally accept with the EU, but it is clear that she will at least need support from outside her party. According to analysts at the Edelman Communications Company, May would need the votes of fourteen Labor MPs to get her Brexit deal approved by Parliament, which will rise to twenty-four if she loses the support of the U.P.

Monday afternoon, May has risen in the House of Commons and said that the general form of an agreement on Brexit was in place. "It's time to let calm, calm heads reign," she said. Since arriving at the post of prime minister in the summer of 2016, and as Britain's Britain's exit leader, May has come a narrowing path between marauding factions. of his party and what is achievable in Brussels. between respect for a populist vote and national self-harm; the self-image of his country and its relative decline. Now, there is no way.

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