The Hollywood star Trump was vandalized again, this time in a totally different way


Sometimes the events can be artistic. You probably already know Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame – and how some people have chosen to express their disagreement with the president through his Hollywood star. In the most recent case, an artist born in the United Kingdom who goes through "Plastic Jesus" protested against the Hollywood star Trump by placing him in jail bars. "Today," tweeted the artist Wednesday, "I've put @realDonaldTrump behind bars. "

In his comments to The Huffington Post, Plastic Jesus said, "There have been calls to Trump Prison since the day he was elected, and today he has certainly been put behind bars."

Yet, it seems, not everyone was amused by the artistic protest. According to Plastic Jesus, "a supporter of Trump quickly damaged the building by trying to remove it, the bars seemed blocked and were there several hours later – much to the delight of thousands of tourists".

In the video shared by Plastic Jesus on Twitter, some spectators try to upset the bars with their feet. But the bars remain firmly lodged on the Trump star. There's a reason for that, Plastic Jesus told The Huffington Post, claiming he used "double sided tape for industrial use".

Financial prudence was the main reason for doing so, he noted. "I wanted them to stay down," Plastic Jesus explained, "but they did not want a thousand-dollar bill to repair the trail." The artist shared a photo of the same star behind the bars on Instagram.

You might hear about Plastic Jesus for the first time, but he's no stranger when it comes to playing with the Trump star in Hollywood, Los Angeles. In fact, in 2016, the President's star received the Plastic Jesus treatment after the artist laid a miniature border-type wall, topped with barbed wire, to protest Trump's comments on the support of A border wall for Mexico.

It's not just symbols that make the street turn by Plastic Jesus. In an attempt to demonstrate how much shootings in American schools are deadly, the artist bullet-proof vests on children's dummies in different stores throughout Los Angeles. In his tweet for the event, Plastic Jesus wrote, "Back to school – everything you need for the new term, including the bulletproof vest level 3A."

David McNew / Getty Images News / Getty Images

Plastic Jesus is not the only one who seems to have a problem with Trump's star on the sidewalk. In July, authorities reported that a man had vandalized Trump's star with a pickaxe in the early morning hours. On the photos shared by reporters on Twitter, it seemed that the star had been completely destroyed to the point where the concrete was scattered on the sidewalk. Later, the man who reportedly went to the Los Angeles police.

In 2016, the Trump star was also destroyed after a protester hit him with a lump and a pickaxe. According to the authorities, the man protested against the vulgar remarks of the president concerning the sexual assault of women Access to Hollywood tape, which were published by The Washington Post this year. On the basis of these protests and West Hollywood City Council's request to withdraw the star (which has been denied), it would not be wrong to say that several people in Hollywood do not want to see the Trump star .

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