The hotel bill for the first lady's trip to Cairo exceeded $ 95,000


First lady Melania TrumpMelania TrumpThe Morning's Morning Report – Presented by PhRMA – Trump divides Republicans before mid-term Watters: "No one blamed" Obama for "anti-police rhetoric" when cops were shot during his mandate. Trump visits the Pittsburgh SynagogueThe Cairo trip cost taxpayers more than $ 95,000, according to federal spending records.

Trump and his team stayed at the Semiramis Intercontinental Cairo during his trip to Egypt last month, according to reports reported by Quartz. The file does not say how many rooms were rented or how the money was allocated.


A night at the hotel can cost between $ 119 and $ 699, noted Quartz. The description of the expense says "FLOTUS visit hotel rooms" but does not offer more details.

A spokeswoman for the first lady told The Hill that Trump had not spent the night in Cairo.

Trump stayed at the hotel after a tour of several countries across Africa, during which she stopped in Ghana, Malawi, and Kenya.

The Trump family has been criticized many times for costing taxpayers large sums.

TMZ report found in September President TrumpDonald John TrumpMore voters join Trump instead of GOP: Top Dem poll on Russian Senate investigation paves way for Halloween "witch hunt" Voters attribute Trump over Obama to dynamism of the economy: survey MORERenting golf carts in the United States has cost taxpayers $ 300,675 since taking office.

Democratic legislators wrote a letter in July to the acting inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security, demanding details of secret service spending during Trump's trip to his golf course in Scotland earlier this month. . The Democrats were reacting to a report that indicated that Trump's time on his Turnberry golf course was costing taxpayers up to $ 1.2 million.

– Updated at 18:30

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