The Hubble Space Telescope is expected to be operational again soon


The Hubble Space Telescope is expected to be operational again soon

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in Orbit.

Credit: NASA

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope should not be left out for too long.

Hubble went into "safe mode" protection last Friday (October 5) after the failure of one of its orientation-maintaining gyroscopes. Mission team members attempted to recruit a backup gyroscope, but this instrument has not cooperated to date, resulting in anomalous data.

Hubble team convened "anomaly review committee" to shed light on this misbehavior and determine if it could be corrected, NASA officials said in a report Friday (October 12) . [The Hubble Space Telescope: A 25th Anniversary Photo Celebration]

Hubble has six gyroscopes, all of which have been replaced by astronauts navigating in space in 2009, and three more are needed to operate at maximum efficiency. Three gyroscopes have now failed. So it would be nice to put the unstable backup online – but it's not absolutely essential, NASA officials said.

"If the team succeeds in solving the problem [with the backup], Hubble will return to normal, three-gyroscope operations, "writes the official in an update on Friday. If this is not the case, the probe will be configured for gyro operations, which will still provide excellent science until the 2020s, allowing it to work alongside the James Webb Space Telescope and continue a revolutionary science. "

Operations on a gyroscope would leave in reserve the second gyroscope in working order.

Hubble was launched into Earth orbit in April 1990 aboard Space Shuttle Discovery. But the initial images of the telescope were not as sharp as expected, a problem that astronomers attributed to a slight flaw in Hubble's main mirror.

Hubble has revolutionized the understanding of the universe by astronomers since its launch in April 1990. Test your knowledge on the telescope in this quiz.

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This problem was solved in December 1993, when astronauts installed corrective lenses. Spacewalkers also maintained and upgraded Hubble during four additional maintenance missions. The replacement of the gyroscope took place during the last of these operations in May 2009.

Hubble has been designed to collect data for at least 15 years. The iconic range has almost doubled its expected life to date. During its 28 years of existence in orbit, Hubble has helped astronomers make various breakthrough discoveries and take countless gorgeous photos that have amazed millions of people around the world.

Hubble's mission is conducted jointly by NASA and the European Space Agency.

Mike Wall's book on the search for extraterrestrial life, "Over there" will be published on November 13 by Grand Central Publishing. Follow him on Twitter @michaeldwall. follow us @Spacedotcomor Facebook. Originally published on

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