The husband of a woman acquitted after a blasphemy calls the United States and Britain to help the family leave Pakistan


The husband of a Christian woman acquitted eight years after her death sentence for blasphemy, but not released as a result of national protests, appealed on Sunday to President Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May to help the family to leave Pakistan.

The husband of Asia Bibi, Ashiq Masih, said in a brief video message that they were in danger. "Please, help us, we have problems in Pakistan," Masih said.

Bibi's lawyer, Saiful Malook, has already fled the country for his safety.

Bibi was arrested in 2009 after being accused of blasphemy following an argument with two other farm workers who had refused to drink in a can of water used by a Christian. A few days later, a mob accused her of insulting the Prophet of Islam, which resulted in her death sentence in 2010. Bibi's family maintained her innocence and said that She never insulted the prophet.

Insulting Islam is punishable by death in Pakistan, and the mere rumor of doing so may incite lynching.

The Pakistani Supreme Court acquitted Bibi on Wednesday of the death penalty charges, exasperating Islamist extremists who held three days of demonstrations nationwide demanding its execution. The raging protesters burned dozens of vehicles, blocked roads and attacked public and government property. a radical cleric also threatened to kill the three judges who acquitted Bibi.

The demonstrations ended after the government agreed to impose a travel ban on Bibi and allow him to examine his case. An application for review has been filed in the Supreme Court.

Police said more than 150 people were arrested for arson, vandalism and violence during the protests.

Senior police officer Nayab Haider said the police used video clips to identify people involved in assaults, property fires and vehicles and blocking roads.

In defending the actions of the police, Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry said the government could not spare those involved in acts of violence. He said the government cleaned up the blocked cities without bloodshed.

"No government can tolerate a rebellion against the state," Chaudhry said.

Human Rights Minister Shireen Mazari tweeted that "appeasement to" avoid bloodshed "sends a dangerous message to non-state actors and undermines the concept of peaceful democratic protest."

"The state must uphold the rule of law, establish a constitution and defend its institutions, especially when they are targeted," Mazari added.

Also on Sunday, about 2,000 followers of the Jamaat-e-Islami party in the southern port city of Karachi protested against Bibi's acquittal, but remained peaceful.


15h: This article has been updated with the husband of Asia Bibi who has launched a call for help to bring out the family of Pakistan.

This article was originally published at 1 am

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