The Hyperloop Highway on Missouri I-70 Can Work: Black & Veatch


A study by Overland Park's engineering firm, Black & Veatch, revealed that an ultra-fast hyperloop circuit on Interstate 70, to carry passengers between Kansas City and St. Louis in 28 minutes, could be viable.

Virgin Hyperloop One is developing Hyperloop, a surface transportation device that transports passengers in pods with low-pressure, low-friction tubes. The technology has been the subject of preliminary tests, but has not been put into practice in any way on a large scale.

If and when it does, Missouri hopes to be one of the first to adopt this technology.

In January, the Missouri Hyperloop Coalition hired Black & Veatch to determine if the I-70 could handle a route.

The study indicates that the geography along the I-70 is conducive to the hyper-loop, made better by the fact that the Missouri Department of Transportation holds most of the right-of-way on the highway.

The study adds that the hyperloop could reduce overall transportation costs by $ 91 million a year due to a lower number of accidents along the I-loon. 70 congested. It is also expected that the cost of a Kansas City hyperloop in St. Louis would be lower than the cost of gasoline.

Hyperloop, in Missouri or elsewhere, remains far from reality. Testing should proceed without significant details, such as the payment of the route, being established.

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