The Infinite War Receives a "Strange Things" Style Trailer


Another day, another fan trailer for Avengers: Infinity Warbut this one is among the best we have ever seen.

YouTuber TNovix has put online his account on the crossover Marvel Studios, imitating the superb trailer of the second season of Strange things on Netflix. In doing so, they do not play interesting character groups, previous movie reminders or epic action scenes. Instead, it's a much more character-driven piece that really makes the emotion. Look above.

the Strange things The trailer for season 2 was impressive in itself, increasing the tension while providing only a brief overview of the overall plot of the show. This fueled the mysteries and conflicts that fans could only theorize, forcing everyone to wait for the show to actually begin.

But with Avengers: Infinity War, it seems that everyone has already seen this movie. Twice at least So, instead of treating it like a real tease of the film, the editing of the fans is used to present what you already know, by presenting a series of dramatic rhythms in an order that explodes in the end, leading all to the inevitable failure of our film. hero.

Marvel fans have been fired Avengers: Infinity War, forced to wait a whole year to know how the conflict with Thanos can be solved. With most of the heroes wiped out with half of the population, the stakes are high in the next movie.

It remains to be seen how the most powerful heroes on Earth will even try to avenge their fallen enemies, and it seems that tracking is still being finalized. Avengers 4.

Actor Mark Ruffalo appeared in the Marvelists podcast earlier this month, where he said that reproaches would not be the usual shot for the shots, but rather the end of the film.

"We are not just reshoots, we are going to finish the film, we really could not finish it completely when we left it last year … I do not even know that They really know exactly, "Ruffalo said. "Part goes on while we're there, it's pretty amazing, and we're going to shoot some stuff and a few days later, let's go back and pick it up because we want to take it in another direction." C & # 39; is a very lively organism, even if we come close to it as a locked image, we are still working on it. "

We'll see how the heroes bounce when Avengers 4 premieres in theaters on May 3, 2019.

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