The Japanese saved the Earth from the planet Nibiru.


Понцы спасли Землю от планеты Нибиру, - СМИ

On the night of September 22 to 23, the Earth was closer to the planet Nibiru. However, US ufologists believe that the Apocalypse has managed to prevent Japan.

As stated on our website, ufologists believe that the collision between Earth and Nibiru has prevented Japanese scientists from sending them to the "Hayabusa-2" mini-robots of planet X. These are the Rovers, I believe that UFOlogy, have somehow prevented the collision of two planets. The Japanese Space Agency specialists did not comment on this information, but did not deny that the station had been launched in space. Earlier, the ministry said the space station was studying the asteroid, the Ryuga, which had been sent to the unit in December 2014.

Conspiracy theorists believe that in 2018, the station reached the destination and received only a few images of the Ryuga surface. Ufologists believe that the retention of information from space representatives of the US space agency, NASA, has pushed Japanese researchers to develop their own secret project to explore the planet Nibiru.

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