The Jar Jar Binks actor, Ahmed Best, talks about the real effects of a violent game


  Ahmed Best opened on a
Ahmed Best opened on a "media reaction" 20 years ago that he had planned to commit suicide.

Image: Marion Curtis / DMI / The LIFE Images Collection / Getty Images [19659004] 2017% 2f09% 2f01% 2fdc% 2f1bw.3febf "class =" author_image "src =" https: // i.×90/2017%2F09%2F01%2Fdc%2F1bw.3febf.jpg"/> By Shannon Connellan

Sometimes people do not realize that hating on a fictional character can have repercussions. "

Remember the actor Ahmed Best, who played Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars franchise, and who talked about his experience with a sharp reaction Tuesday.

Binks, the friendly Gungan, debuted in 1999 in episode 1, The Phantom Menace, with a smaller role in Attack of the Clones and a brief cameo in ] Vengeance of the Sith .

But although some Jar Jar worshiped, the character was quickly swept into a wave nce and media criticism, eventually becoming one of the most honored characters in the history of Star Wars.

Although it may sound disgusting of a fictional character by far, this really had consequences on Best. On Tuesday, the actor took Twitter to talk about his experience, posting a photo with his young son.

Best writes that he was planning to commit suicide following the "media backlash" that he suffered almost 20 years ago – Best played at Binks in 1999.

"20 years ago Next year "wrote" it's the place where I almost finished my life, it's still hard to talk, I've survived and now this little guy is my gift for survival. "

The director of The Last Jedi Rian Johnson responded to Best, sending the love and and write, "I think a lot of "Between us would get a lot of hearing your story."

The Legend of Star Wars Frank Oz, who played the Jedi Master Yoda, He also responded to Best saying that he loved Jar Jar Binks – recognizing the popular and hard response to the character.

"I know I'm going to be raked on the coals for saying that, but I'll never understand the harshness of the people's dislike."

And Johnson and Oz were not the only ones, with a lot on Twitter offering their support to the Actor, some praising Jar Jar as their favorite Star Wars character

Although people may not have understood, including me, make fun of A character is not as innocent as it seems, if there is a real person who is really affected.

If you want to talk to someone or you have suicidal thoughts, send the

Crisis Text Line by phone at 741-741 or call him National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Here is a list of international resources.

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