The Jets were on Khalil Mack, but the Raiders did not give them a chance to counter


Photo: Jonathan Daniel (Getty)

The Raiders had a good start for Khalil Mack, the world striker, after having traded against the Bears just before the start of the season. But that does not mean they could not have gotten a better one. Now, there is a report that says they have not even tried.

In summary, Mack went to Chicago for two first-round picks, but it was more complicated than that. Oakland also received a third round and a sixth round, and sent a second and a fifth conditional in the other direction.

the New York Daily News reports that the Jets were also very present on Mack and that, when it had been traded, his offer was based on a first round choice and a second round choice, to which an additional "additional allowance" was added. specified. the offer of bears was the best. But!

The Jets were ready to improve on their base offering, including the first round of 2019 and the second round of 2020, but they never had the chance to do so, sources said.

The thought of the Raiders was simple: they were satisfied with the Chicago offer … and more than happy to get Mack out of the conference. The Raiders did not engage in further discussions with the Jets after thinking that Chicago had offered them a pretty good package.

So why did not the Raiders take the trouble to give the Jets the opportunity to counter, especially since the Jets (as they claim now, but who really knows) were ready to increase their offer? As the report notes, the Jets think the Raiders wanted Mack to leave the AFC. Another is that Oakland did not want to give the Bears an opportunity to reconsider their decision and accepted their offer as soon as it was made. The second explanation would be more reasonable than the first.

We already knew that "half of the league" called the Raiders about Mack, teams including the Rams and Packers offering packages including a first-round pick, but not both offered by Chicago. That Oakland has accepted the Chicago offer is not surprising. They did not send at least some texts to see if the other bidders would be willing to overtake it.

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