The jewels of the Swedish krona stolen by thieves who escaped on an outboard


The jewels of the Swedish royal family were stolen from a cathedral by two suspects who escaped by speedboat.

The priceless jewels – including two crowns belonging to King Karl IX, who ruled in the 17th century – were taken to Strängnäs Cathedral in southeastern Sweden where they had been exposed

Witnesses said they had Seeing the police pursue the suspects by boat after stealing the royal jewels in closed glass boxes while the cathedral was open to the public. thieves who escaped on an outboard "class =" img-align-none size-full wp-image-7783654 "data-rewritten =" true "/>

Jewelry that was exposed and stolen by thieves (Photo: Polsen)

Police have not yet made arrests, with spokesman Thomas Agnevik in Sweden: I I have spoken to someone on the County Board of Directors who says that it is not possible to assign them economic value – these are priceless objects of national interest.

Inside the house of "the man in the hole & # 39; thought to be the last remaining member of the Amazonian tribe

& # 39; We are looking for a small open motor boat.

& # 39; We have different information about the boat looked. We are now looking at all the advice we receive.

He adds: "By boat you can reach Mälaren, Köping or Arboga to the west, or Västerås, Eskilstuna or Stockholm if you drive to the east.

Karl IX was king of Sweden from 1604 until his death in 1611. The two crowns are funeral wreaths from 1611 which were later exhumed and exhibited.

The irreplaceable objects were made from gold, pearls and precious stones. Sweden's Strangnas Cathedral, where Crown Jewels were publicly displayed (Photo: Riggwelter / WIKI)

Christofer Lundgren, Dean of the Cathedral, said: "This is part of the National

Eyewitness Tom Rowsell, who is getting married at the cathedral this weekend, described seeing two people run to a "little white boat with an engine in the back." [19659002ThetwowomenreprecipitatelytotheforefrontWe'veknownaboutthepoliceandtheirclosethattheywouldthattheyhavecertakenwhichchoiceofthedathemath"heconfessedtoAftonbladet

" I knew immediately that they were burglars because of their behavior

. It was odd, in this quiet little town but the fact that the boat was waiting, it was obvious to me that they were burglars.

"I think it's horrible, it's despicable that people are flying into a sacred building and taking something of historical and monetary value. I hope that the police will succeed in finding them.

No one was injured during the raid.

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